September 2010 Scavenger Hunt


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Mar 5, 2010
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The past few scavenger hunts have had few participants. Some of the items were difficult to find. I have a list of 20 items that everyone around the world can find.

Yes, it's a bit late to get started on 20 things, but with 24 days left in the month, it's easily attainable. Although I doubt anyone can get all 20.

Anyone up for the (easy) challenge?

If so, I'll post the list Tuesday the 7th. And no, I don't have any pictures with the items, but I ride a BMW so I can't win anyway!:tard:
I like the scavenger hunt idea but being an international forum it takes some research to make it a global game , some of the things that you can find in country "A" arent done in country "Z"...

How about you PM me your ideas , i'll research them while at work & tell you which ones can & cant work :thumbup: Set it up properly & get it working for ALL forum members to enjoy :D
I like the scavenger hunt idea but being an international forum it takes some research to make it a global game , some of the things that you can find in country "A" arent done in country "Z"...

How about you PM me your ideas , i'll research them while at work & tell you which ones can & cant work :thumbup: Set it up properly & get it working for ALL forum members to enjoy :D

And give you a sneak peek so you can get a leg up on the competition? Not a chance. But, trust me, anyone living in or near an urban area has a chance with this one.

Hint- the theme is "Conveyance".
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And give you a sneak peek so you can get a leg up on the competition? Not a chance. But, trust me, anyone living in or near an urban area has a chance with this one.

Taken the wrong way completely :( I'll stick my head back into my Mr Nobody hole again , forgive me for trying to help & all the best with the Scavenger Hunt :thumbup:
Looks like we have six or so that want to play.
Usual rules apply. Winner receives ONE MILLION American dollars! Or the pride of a job well done... I'll decide which prize you get. :thumbup:

The theme this month is conveyance. These are vehicles used to transport people from place to place. Since they are so common and varied, I chose 19 of them for you to try to find. Half the list is easy. The other half, not so much. The 20th item is up to you, something I left off the list. This will weigh heavily towards the winning score.

The List

1- Car.
2- Truck.
3- Bus.
4- Train.
5- Fire truck.
6- Police Car.
7- Ambulance.
8- Bicycle.
9- Mail/ UPS/ FedEx truck.
10- Boat.

Pretty easy so far, right?

11- Crane.
12- Cement Mixer.
13- Go-Cart.
14- Tricycle.
15- Unicycle.
16- Snowmobile.
17- Balloon.
18- Plane.
19- Rocket.

And 20- Mystery Vehicle.

Gentlemen (and ladies), start your engines.
Great job on these, Eddie!! Thanks for putting it together! :thumbup:
I just copied the list and am looking forward to trying to find them all. :D
Does it have to be pictures or would really short(5-10 seconds each item) video work? One other thing...didn't see anything in the rules about having your bike in the pics.
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Does it have to be pictures or would really short(5-10 seconds each item) video work? One other thing...didn't see anything in the rules about having your bike in the pics.

I tried to find the 'official' rules but couldn't.....
but I'm sure that your bike has to be in the picture (or video). That has never come up before, so I'm sure that a moderator can answer that one.
Here are the rules that are posted on the first page, at the top.

Every good contest needs rules... well, not really but I like rules. So I figured why not have some for the Scavenger Hunt.

Start and End:
Scavenger Hunts will begin on (or close to) the 1st of the Month. The end date and time will be posted at the top of that month's SH thread.

How it works:
Step one is a doozie. Once the list is posted get busy taking pics. [NOTE: All pictures are to be taken AFTER the SH has been posted.] Next, upload your photos into that month's SH thread. You can load them as you take them or wait and load them all at once, it's up to you.

How winners are chosen:
Completing all of, or the most, challenges and posting them in the allotted time.

In the event there is a tie, various things will be taken into account to determine the winner.
1) Accuracy with which the challenges are completed.
Challenge: Bike next to a ship
Completions: (A) Bike next to a canoe, (B) Bike next to a toy ship, or (C) Bike next to a Cruise ship.
Answer C would carry more weight than answer A.

2) Creativity. No examples. You're left up to the mercy of the judge.

3) Extra Credit points. All issues of extra credit will be explained in that month's SH thread. It could be anything from extra pictures to be taken, or things to be done within of the the challenge pictures itself.

4) Bribery! Everyone has their price. Ah, I'm just kidding as far as you know.

Your bike needs to be in the picture along with the object.
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Here are the rules that are posted on the first page, at the top.

Every good contest needs rules... well, not really but I like rules. So I figured why not have some for the Scavenger Hunt.

Start and End:
Scavenger Hunts will begin on (or close to) the 1st of the Month. The end date and time will be posted at the top of that month's SH thread.

How it works:
Step one is a doozie. Once the list is posted get busy taking pics. [NOTE: All pictures are to be taken AFTER the SH has been posted.] Next, upload your photos into that month's SH thread. You can load them as you take them or wait and load them all at once, it's up to you.

How winners are chosen:
Completing all of, or the most, challenges and posting them in the allotted time.

In the event there is a tie, various things will be taken into account to determine the winner.
1) Accuracy with which the challenges are completed.
Challenge: Bike next to a ship
Completions: (A) Bike next to a canoe, (B) Bike next to a toy ship, or (C) Bike next to a Cruise ship.
Answer C would carry more weight than answer A.

2) Creativity. No examples. You're left up to the mercy of the judge.

3) Extra Credit points. All issues of extra credit will be explained in that month's SH thread. It could be anything from extra pictures to be taken, or things to be done within of the the challenge pictures itself.

4) Bribery! Everyone has their price. Ah, I'm just kidding as far as you know.

Your bike needs to be in the picture along with the object.

Same ones I found, except for the "edited" part! LOL! ;)
Pretty easy so far, right?

13- Go-Cart.
15- Unicycle
16- Snowmobile.
19- Rocket.

Gentlemen (and ladies), start your engines.

This is why I offered to help , like I said its an international forum & Australia is 99.9% snow free , we dont even sell snowmobiles in the country.. :(

ADR regulations mean that Go-Karts are not an off the shelf item in Oz so this is out.. :(

Circus's are a dying art in Oz so a clown with a Unicycle is rarer than hens teeth.. :(

As for the Rocket well 95% of the world doesnt have a space program/nuclear missile capability so that rules them out.. :(

But good luck to the rest of the World/USA in there quest to get them , im looking forward to the results there should be some good ones :thumbup:
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