Rider down...fz6joker

Wow...I'm speachless. Thanks for the details, I can't imagine how he felt once he knew he was in trouble. wow.

Many thanks for Paige for setting up the Chip In page. :thumbup:
Man I just got goose bumps all over reading this through again and getting up to date.

Glad you're on the up-swing and making positive progress! :thumbup:

Keep it coming!

CCHOUSEKY, thanks for the updates!
Another update, everyone (and a good one, at that!)

Daniel has been a miracle. Believe it or not, he's HOME now!!! He only stayed at the rehab hospital for a week or so. Just amazing.

He's still got a LONG LONG way to go, but the progress is amazing.

I'm going to email him at some point soon and remind him to check in here so he can see all the nice comments here. :thumbup:
Glad to hear he's home, it beats being in a hospital any day (though there's less nurses...). Spirits up! KSU in no time!!
wow that completely blows.. that's awesome that he is home now... dunno if they need anymore money but it was still accepting donations.. make sure he's eating healthy because that will help speed up the heal time too!!!
I have been following his progress on the Caringbridge website ... his healing has been absolutely mindblowing in terms of speed. Good stuff!
That was one scary story! I can't imagine what was going through his head when he realized **** was about to hit the fan... All my wishes for Daniel to recover quickly and heal completely. My thoughts go to him and his family.
I want to post some pictures from my wreck. My hope is to convince riders to gear up every time they ride. Also, to always be safe no matter where they are riding.
This is where my bike came to rest...







As best I can guess, this is the curve I blew. That is the truth of the matter. I went to fast around a curve I wasn't familiar with and ended up going over the yellow lines. The SUV in the upper right is the one I bounced off of before I hit the guardrail. (I was going in the opposite direction of this photo i.e. coming towards the photographer)

The damage to the SUV, this is the rear tire. One second later and I would have had an "oh s%it" moment, dropped to the rear, and gone on about my day a little shaken up. On the other hand, one second earlier and it would have been a head on collision with the SUV.



Note: I took the guardrail out of the ground.

I guess it is debateable but I truly believe I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been in full gear. A* SMX 5's, Fieldsheer two piece perf'd leathers, leather guantlets w/ carbon fiber knuckles, and helmet.
This is how I landed.

At this time nobody knew I had a collapsed lung or internal bleeding from a perforated spleen and kidney. Or that my arm was barely still attached to my body.

I had some truly awesome EMTs. About a week after the wreck two of them actually drove two hours to come visit me in the hospital.

Wear your gear and be safe. This is a picture on me hooked up to god-knows-what in the ICU. I'm very lucky to be alive.
I thought I should clarify something. While I was waiting on the ambulance I asked if somebody could take pictures. I can't remember why I was asking but I'm glad I did. I didn't want you guys thinking that somebody was just rudely taking shots of me while I was down.
Man! We're glad to hear you're going to be okay! Many here were so worried for you and the family.

Welcome back!!!
Dang, that's scary. Thanks for sharing the pictures. We're all glad you made it through and who knows what may have happened had you not been wearing any part of your gear. I work with EMT's quite a bit and they're ALL awesome people! Their first and only priority is saving your life. They're amazing people. Never take them for granted. Glad you're doing better, brother.