Recent content by amanlisman

  1. A

    Givi Impressions--Install and Versus Shad

    Have the same V35 side cases on mine. Used them this summer (see my France trip post for photos) for first time and honestly, I can't find fault with them. Learnt that it's not a good idea to forget they're there though, with a few bumps off posts and cars. They quickly didn't look brand new :(...
  2. A

    Why am I here Poll; Own, once owned, wish to own an FZ6

    Have had it for a year and a half and it still looks great for a design that's almost 10 years old. The next bike might be the FZ8... or a triumph:o
  3. A

    What annoys you about your FZ6?

    2nd and 3rd gears. Not sure what they're for. Going from 1st to 4th would save a lot of work :D
  4. A

    France trip summer 2011

    I live in the west of France in Brittany so France is nothing new to me. But there's France and then bikers' France, as I discovered. Once you get half way down and get away from the main routes, the roads are never straight! I rode down through the massif central (Mont Doré, Issoire)...
  5. A

    France trip summer 2011

    Best bike around for carrying stuff. Hooks and straps fitted in every direction on the passenger handles. 3000 km in 10 days including the Alps. Looking forward to next summer...:thumbup:
  6. A

    April 2011 euro moto adventure!

    Ok! Tu es français vivant aux E-U et moi, irlandais (et un peu canadien sur les bords de par ma maman) vivant en France! Vive l'international!
  7. A

    The best thing about riding a bike is...

    You're talking about your bike, aren't you?
  8. A

    April 2011 euro moto adventure!

    Have a great time! Good to see you guys coming over to Europe! You'll see, despite some things you might hear especially about France, we love Americans! (MacDonald's France has had the biggest growth rate of all the MacDo chains of Europe over the past decade or so, although that might not be...
  9. A

    high visibility jackets

    Then there's Spidi, an Italian brand with a reasonably good reputation. It seems I'm not the only one thinking about high visibility. MOTORCYCLE HIGH VISIBILITY
  10. A

    high visibility jackets

    Thanks! Cordura then, not polyester. I'll keep that in mind. Rev'it (a Dutch brand) does a nice jacket but probably too pricey for me. But then again, you only live once... Rev'it Cayenne Pro - webBikeWorld At the moment, I've a pretty standard old-fashioned but not old brown leather...
  11. A

    Is the FZ6 the best bike you have owned, ridden???

    Just 2 bikes to my honour: A Honda Seven-Fifty from 1996 (Night Shadow I think you call it stateside...), great torque, smooth ride, lots of chrome, lovely quiet humming sound BUT heavy, old suspension, not great around town. My memory is of a sore ass and the wrong knee flexion on longer...
  12. A

    high visibility jackets

    Hi folks, Would anyone know about this brand and jacket: Firstgear Kilimanjaro 4.0 Jacket? Or about this seller: Firstgear Kilimanjaro 4.0 Jacket ? Here in Europe Hein Gericke is the reference. Hein Gericke Daylight sheltex® Jacke, neongelb - Jacken - Motorrad-Bekleidung - Bekleidung...
  13. A

    What Pannier Rack Is This?

    I've just looked at your photo again. Looks like your indicators have already been changed position.
  14. A

    What Pannier Rack Is This?

    Come to think of it, they're 390 euros, not 450 euros. Still far too much, as you say, for two plastic boxes! Do a little search on this forum and you'll find at least two descriptions of how to install the racks, although yours are already installed. Watch out for your indicators though...