Recent content by bdevries

  1. bdevries

    217 mph!

    "The Italian rider just eclipsed the previous record for the championship (349.288kph) which was also set at Mugello, by Repsol Honda rider Dani Pedrosa in 2009 "
  2. bdevries

    My Engine Stalls for the first 5min

    Sounds normal to me. Why are you trying to rev a cold engine in the first place? It's warming up, hence the higher RPM and richer exhaust. Let your bike warm up before revving/riding and you'll save yourself a ton of problems down the road.
  3. bdevries

    Tried Doing a Wheelie, Didn't Go So Well... [VIDEO]

    I don't think that is solely to blame on clutching up.. thats just wear and tear. The stress on the sprocket isn't any different when clutching up than it would be if you were accelerating down a track at 13k rpm.
  4. bdevries

    Tried Doing a Wheelie, Didn't Go So Well... [VIDEO]

    Ouch, sucks to be him! Perhaps he just didn't do it properly. I havent had any problems doing it this way. At least it just pops up and *then* you control the height with the throttle. With a power wheelie, you have a fist full of throttle, once it reaches a certain point it could easily flip...
  5. bdevries

    Tried Doing a Wheelie, Didn't Go So Well... [VIDEO]

    new rider here chiming in... I watched a bunch of youtube tutorials this spring before getting the bike and then tried dumping the clutch in some big open empty parking lots. First things right foot is touching the rear brake. Rev it up quick and as you see it start to approach...
  6. bdevries

    Plasti-dipping rims

    refaced? I assume you're talking about cleaning off between where the disc attaches to the rim? I'll be taping that off anyways:)
  7. bdevries

    Plasti-dipping rims

    Ya, I think Ill keep away from a clearcoat for when I want to peel it off. If i wanted something 100% durable I'd just PC:) Thanks for the tip about the gloss. Do you thik the gold is shiny enough without it/would it make a big difference?
  8. bdevries

    Plasti-dipping rims

    Awesome. Good to know, thanks! Ya I find I end up with quitea bit of oil/grease on the rear rim(chain side). Ill definitely be taking off the discs as well, I'd like to do this as good as possible.
  9. bdevries

    Dunlops, what am I doing wrong?

    On an 07? Thats some pretty old rubber.. mileage is important when deciding when to change, but so is time. The angel Gt is an awesome tire. Likely the best rated ST tire on the market.
  10. bdevries

    Plasti-dipping rims

    Hey guys, Long time since I was last on here! The first season of riding is going EXCELLENT! Did a solo 1000km ride from Ottawa down around the Adirondack mountains in New York on Saturday! Anyways, I'm looking to plasti-dip the rims of my red fz6 gold. Does anyone have any...
  11. bdevries

    When to Downshift into 1st

    I do it but always blip the throttle before letting the clutch back out.
  12. bdevries

    Adirondack Mountain Ride

    Thanks! Should be interesting trying to ride it all from Ottawa in one day, especially without any sort of GPS or knowledge about roads in the US!
  13. bdevries

    Adirondack Mountain Ride

    Hey guys, I'm planning a day tide tomorrow from Ottawa to the Andirondack Mountains in New York state. Can anyone recommend the twisties roads in that area? I have no gps, just a printed map of the area so i'll be doing my best to use the sun as my compass while riding and since I wont have...
  14. bdevries

    Tips for Protecting What You Love Most

    Good insurance always helps. I keep my bike covered and have a Krptonite lock, but have to admit that if someone REALLY wants to take the bike, they WILL take it. So, if it does ever get stolen, it's up to my insurance company to compensate me for it. I guess I should keep them updated on...
  15. bdevries

    Is it overheating or is it me?

    :eek: When I'm outside of the city it sits around 165-170, but in the city, or driving through a parking lot it spikes quick to 214 and if I just shut the bike off and pull out the key, it can get up 225.. I dont get it.