Recent content by Herkguy

  1. Herkguy

    Keeping up with Tire Pressure

    Thanks for all the replies...Bicycle pump, who would of thought! I will probably get a cheap power compressor since I can keep up with the cars as well. Have a great weekend!
  2. Herkguy

    Keeping up with Tire Pressure

    This is a very simple question but couldn't find the answer after 5 pages of search so here I am. What do you guys use to fill up your tires in your garage? I am running out of quarters driving to the local gas station to fill up my bikes tires, plus I am not getting a good cold reading...
  3. Herkguy

    Showing ID Card while on a bike (Military, etc)

    Botch that is awesome, wish I was handier. Thanks for the replies guys, forgot I made this post until I drove to work today and had the same issue! I have the holder on my ICON vest but most of the gate guards want you to take the card out so not sure it would work, maybe they have sympathy on...
  4. Herkguy

    Showing ID Card while on a bike (Military, etc)

    Hiya, New rider. Having lots of fun on the FZ6, especially the mods. So far have the G2 throttle tube and OES frame sliders, with Motogiro's headlight mod in the mail! Anyway I digress. I commute to work on an Air Force base and still don't have a good way to show my ID card at the...
  5. Herkguy

    Stock Throttle Tube Plastic Washer

    Thanks guys...G2 is saying that washer is a spacer for the stock grip so the stock throttle won't move side to side. Worked great on commute today, highly reccomended.
  6. Herkguy

    Stock Throttle Tube Plastic Washer

    Installed the G2 throttle tamer today for a HUGE improvement (on sale right now 20% off with free shipping!) Anyway, when I removed the the stock thottle tube it had a thin plastic washer/ring on the cam end that I assume was to keep the throttle cables aligned on the cam. Since a...
  7. Herkguy

    Throttle Tamer: Not bad.

    They are on sale right now for 20% off!
  8. Herkguy

    Clutch Slave Levers - I'm making them again

    Also looking to buy one, please add me to the list. Thanks!