Recent content by kdburtch

  1. K

    dead explorer.

    Well my explorer died today, Im looking to get something reasonably cheap that can still tow about 1000-2000lbs, and get good gas mileage. any suggestions?
  2. K

    What lids (helmets) have actually PROVEN to hold up best in a crash?

    The best helmet for very obvious reasons, is a helmet that is comfortable, if its not comfortable, you wont wear it, and no use having a $600.00 helmet sitting on a shelf. Dont buy online, go to a store and try on several different brands, and models.
  3. K

    stock black exhauset tips?

    thats stock painted matte black. looks good.
  4. K

    Get the tire home or bust LOL

    Is that a primitive airbag?
  5. K

    What was your last bike?

    The ninja 250 can do at least 106 MPH
  6. K

    What was your last bike?

    2007 ninja 250 - Black 2007 ZZR 600 - Black 2007 Honda VTX 1300R - Silver 2009 FZ6 - Black
  7. K

    What car(s) do you have/drive?

    2011 Bugatti Veyron, And when I am awake 2002 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer.
  8. K

    Where do all those bullets go?

    It is humorus that people are celebrating the killing of a violent dictator by possible wounding and killing hundreds of strangers without cause.
  9. K

    Cheap heating grips

    Thanks for the pics, I like the idea.
  10. K

    Cheap heating grips

    pics please, also how warm do they get?
  11. K

    Can you Draw a Stickman???

    reminds me of the kids book harold and the purple crayon
  12. K

    question for anyone with HD experience

    The monster would have been better, as far as the weeping that sould not be occuring, that is only normal on the the late 70-early 80s models. My bro has a 2009 883C that does not leak, weep, or drip a drop of anthing. I would wipe it off with a rag and see if it comes back when sitting, or...
  13. K

    Tail of the Dragon ride

    I wish I could make it but that along way from Kansas, I hear it is an amazing ride though.
  14. K

    First time changing the oil

    Next time take some tin foil, take about a 6-8 inch sheet and fold it into a v, doubled up helps. then place it under the drain plug and you have a nice shoot that will get the oil where you need it and not all over your garage floor, or your bike.
  15. K

    The New Four Stroke Engine

    Grail Engine Technologies They have devloped a new 2 stroke engine that is enviromentally friendly, can run on almost any fuel, and weighs next to nothing. I belive the 100hp motor has 1 cylinder, and weighs less than 75 lbs....imagine the posibilities. One Liter Engine Projections based upon...