Recent content by malloc()

  1. M

    Do you wave at Harley riders?

    I wave/node everyone in two wheels with an engine and won't let hanging anyone in other vehicles or not that wave at me. Here in Ireland is more popular the nodding than waving, it's a little more difficult to wave with the incoming traffic in the right. The leg out is also widely around...
  2. M

    FZ6 Riders Show us your baby!!

    Hello guys, I saw some of the pics, very nice bikes, I really like the naked version, but in Ireland I went for a little more protection of the elements, quite happy with her. Few pics here:
  3. M

    Has your bike ever hit the ground?

    I fall from my in December. She was pristine, but nothing that some black ice in a junction can not solve. Was at low speed, so nothing happened to me, it was like 10km/h, but she had some damage. The engine cover all scratch, went from black to clean aluminium color. The passenger footpeg and...
  4. M

    New member

    Hello Electric_monk, seems like I came here few months later to your post. Riding in Ireland here as well.
  5. M

    New member welcome thread..

    Hello all, This is crazy, a post started in 2007! lot's of Fazer owners. I'm Diego, from Argentina, living in Ireland for some time now. I had been riding small bikes in the past and plenty of bicycles, always wanted a nice motorcycle. After having a hearth surgery last year, I said, ok, it's...