Recent content by psnbye

  1. psnbye

    Picked up a key! :(

    Never seen a key flat, a few bolts, a couple nails. Normal junk on the roads, my last flat tire situation was while my bike was parked outside a bar in my home town, somebody thought since my bike was red I must be the guy that was uh, "hanging out" with his wife. Not me but the guy apparently...
  2. psnbye

    Pet Peeve 2012 Edition

    #1 is people riding in packs of bycicles on a skinny mountain road mostly over into my side of the white line. Usually just before a corner or the top of a hill. Spread out over two miles. (they hate it when I lay on the air horns when I get next to them.):sinister::Flip::D #2 is, "Why dont...
  3. psnbye

    Wearable airbags

    :eek:EEK!!!:eek: Maybe these things are safe, but I dont think I could bring myself to wear it. How far are we going to go? The ultimate "safe" thing to do is not ride at all, but who wants that? Flame me if you want, just my opinion.
  4. psnbye

    San Diego rental bikes?

    Hey Im headed to San Diego Dec. 15th, does anyone know a good bike rental shop in the Coronado area?
  5. psnbye

    hey squids

    My switch-blade key that I got from fleabay was cut at the trusty True Value for free(!) and it works like a champ! (Who you call'in a squid???) :Flip::D Good luck!
  6. psnbye

    Poll: Do You Hate Your Job?

    I really like my job, I just dont like some of the B.S. that goes with it. I drive a big 'ol concrete truck and I really LOVE being part of new constuction. I like the feeling of driving by a place ten years later and, "Hey, I brought all that concrete for that building!" (My kids kinda get...
  7. psnbye

    Dear neighbour... by anonymous

    You must live on my street! I got one of those letters saying my bikes are too loud AND my dogs are too loud too! While I do want universal harmony, I dont really care too much what many think or say anymore. I've learned over the years that the only people whose oppinions and thoughts REALLY...
  8. psnbye

    Dodged a bullet tonight

    None taken! I was just having some fun, I watch out for those jacked up lifted big tires testicles hanging from the hitch beer cans in the back mullet wearing rebel flag in the back window dead animal hanging out the tailgate super hygenic rifle in the gunrack country blaring from the cracked...
  9. psnbye

    Dodged a bullet tonight

    Hmmm... I have THREE pickups. I have a arch enemy? :sinister::sinister::sinister: (Insert evil laugh here)
  10. psnbye

    Louie is my shadow.

    My little girl asked me the other day as I was rolling on the floor with my Mastiff how much I loved the dog. I told her more than most humans. She thought that was pretty funny and said, "So you love Bella more than my teacher??" Well, yeah.. I guess I do! She was mad at me for a while, but it...
  11. psnbye

    Anyone ever hit a Rabbit / Hare

    I did hit a jackrabbit in nevada on a CBR600. I was headed back into town from a day on the lake about 12:30 am on a brand new section of black top interstate and was going about 65, when I thought I saw something on the side of the road. I instantly eased off the throttle and moved to the...
  12. psnbye

    What in the world is this thing?

    You forgot "UUUUUGGGGGLLLLYYYY" in your poll...:eek:
  13. psnbye

    Ebay USB Port Install

    Radio shack might have one of these little jewels too. Im going there tomorrow to see. Great idea, I have a 12 volt cigarette lighter plug-in thingy, but I like the USB better maybe.
  14. psnbye

    How young is too young...

    Thanks everybody, I feel a lot better about riding with my daughter. She told me she wants to ride with me forever, or until she has her own bike. Made me feel pretty good.:thumbup:
  15. psnbye

    How young is too young...

    To ride on the bike with you? I have a 6 year old daughter who rides with me sometimes, I have a strap that buckles her to me so she doesn't move around at all and she wears all her gear all the time and my wife wouldnt let me take her if she thought it was too dangerous. I was chewed out...