Recent content by PurpleZJ

  1. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    and aren't you hilarious haha
  2. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    Thanks for the kind words everyone. Insurance picked up the bike yesterday and I already miss having a bike :/ They didn't give me as much as I wanted but it also wasn't a number I was going to turn down. Maybe one day I'll be back on two wheels and out of my cage. And before anyone says it...
  3. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    Great way to put it. I feel very fortunate to have just superficial injuries(from what we are able to tell at this point) and to still be breathing. With the speed, location, and how I went down I honestly shouldn't be here able to post about it. And I'd love to move over to the vtwin side and...
  4. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    Yeah, at this point I want it gone, I was trying to sell it anyways. I just hope the number insurance gives me is a number I find fair. I have a 93 silverado rcsb in the driveway waiting to get a turbo'd 5.3. Time for a different project
  5. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    Yeah, I'm ok but both her and I know I shouldn't be. Worst part is she texted me before I went out and told me to be careful and I told her "Always, but just in case you know how I feel". Ten minutes later I was calling her to tell her I went down. She's pretty upset and I can tell I need to...
  6. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    Yeah I've got a girl I'm trying to work things out with and she's pretty traumatized by the whole thing. I need to start taking how she feels into account when I'm making decisions. I've put her through a lot and I'm sure this was pretty close to the tip of the iceberg for her.
  7. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    I don't remember, but with how I've been riding lately I know it definitely wasn't slow
  8. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    I'd say multiple layers varying from very dense to not so much. I'll take a closer look at it tomorrow when I get up and around. And thanks I'll keep y'all posted. I honestly just want insurance to take the bike and cut me a check, my priorities are changing and I've got a street truck sitting...
  9. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    The bike was a decent distance down the ramp from me. It's really all a big blur honestly. Its odd, I have more rash on my body parts that were covered by the jacket than I do the ones covered by my jeans.
  10. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    Idk what I burnt it up on but the jacket sleeve disintegrated giving something access to it.
  11. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    Yeah I expected it to hold up a little better than it did, might have to contact Icon about it and express my concerns.
  12. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    And thanks for the well wishes y'all. Just gotta take each day bit by bit.
  13. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    The jacket has built in elbow pads/shoulder reinforcement. Forearm section is a mix of textile/mesh. It helped a lot but was torn apart on impact. I knew the risk associated with wearing regular jeans in case of an off but I was actually surprised I wasn't more torn up waist down.
  14. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    I'd love to know that as well, I couldn't believe it when I saw the jacket and saw how bad it really was. It was fully zipped and the buttons were snapped together on the wrists.
  15. P

    Roadrash sucks............Like really bad

    I went down pretty hard last night. I was on an overpass that takes a sweeping down to the right direction changing from one highway to the other. My memory is a little iffy but I believe I hit a slick spot and that took me right into the left side barrier and down I went. However all the...