Search results

  1. Jake

    Shoei RF-1000 Longevity

    I wore my RF-1000 for about 10,000 miles/two years and think that the upper suspension padding has begun to get worn (not talking about the cheekpads, I mean the non-replaceable padding). I've begun to experience prickly pain on the top my ears after a long ride. The tingling goes away a few...
  2. Jake

    Crash Test Gear Review

    I had a get-off this weekend and figured I’d share an after-action report with you all. Personally, I always like to know about how gear performed under different circumstances. Hopefully this is informative for any of you out there. Remember, this is specific to my particular circumstances...
  3. Jake

    AGV Breeze Perf Leather Jacket

    I'd been wanting to find a decent leather jacket suitable for use in Florida summer weather... hot, humid and hot. In the past, I've been very happy with my JR Reactor 2.0 jacket (mesh and leather), but wanted to go with all leather. So I bought an AGV Breeze jacket. AGV Sport - AGV Sport...
  4. Jake

    Fuel Tank Removal or Tilt

    Would any of you who have either removed the tank or tilted it wayyyyy back give me some details and insight on how to do this successfully? I've searched the posts and haven't found any that have the details I'm looking for. I don't need to fully remove my fuel tank but do need to tilt it...
  5. Jake

    Need Perfed Leather Pants Reviews Please

    I'm trying to find a pair of perforated leather pants that fit. They need to be perforated or I'll never wear them here in Florida. Anyone have any suggestions for a good pair that fit well? My problem is either the legs fit and the waist is too big or the waist fits and the legs are too...