Search results

  1. Tremulant

    Yamaha VMAX

    2010 Yamaha VMAX Home, information, info Have you guys seen this thing? I got an email from Yamaha about it and I was appalled at it's appearance. Not sure what look they were going for, but it looks terrible IMHO. Maybe it looks better in person, but I just can't wrap my brain around...
  2. Tremulant

    Random thoughts from 25-35 year olds

    I found this through stumble and it made me laugh inside for a good ten minutes :D Enjoy! Random thoughts from 25-35 year olds - I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option. -More often than not, when someone is telling me a story all I can think about is that I can't wait for...
  3. Tremulant

    Ducati Streetfighter headlight?

    So every day I go back and forth whether or not I should convert my FZ6 to a streetfighter, and I've decided I'm going to do it. I'm in no rush, as money is tight, but I'm doing a lot of research, and one thing has stumped me. I really like the look of the Ducati Streetfighter headlight...
  4. Tremulant

    Kawasaki Z1000

    So last night I ran across this bike in a grocery store parking lot and almost messed my shorts: The image really doesn't do it justice. It was one sexy looking bike, and I normally hate Kawasakis. Anyone know much about this bike? Ever tested one? I could see myself on one of these...
  5. Tremulant

    Lou Pritchett is afraid...

    ...and after reading his letter, I just might have to agree with him. I'm not one to get into politics very deeply, but I got this in an email and checked to see if it was legit. According, it is. An Open Letter to President Obama - Lou Pritchett He definitely makes...
  6. Tremulant

    Mac or PC

    I know it's a question on the member interviews, but not everyone has been interviewed, and I'd like to see it laid out... I do a lot of work with graphics in the Adobe creative suite, and I love OSX Leopard and all the programs it comes with, so I'm a Mac man all the way. What about you...
  7. Tremulant

    He fought the Law and the Law lost!

    These poor cops had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they nabbed this guy... He Fought The Law And The Law Lost*Video I was feeling bad for him until he started rambling incoherently...nice getaway though :D
  8. Tremulant

    Truly Inspirational...

    YouTube - Cincinnati's Masked Super Hero: Part 1 :rof: :rof: :rof:
  9. Tremulant

    Open Exhaust

    YouTube - 2007 yamaha fz6 open exhaust This sounds really mean. I searched the forum for anyone who has done this, and came up with only one short thread. I would love it if anyone could give me any more info and/or opinions... -Is it even legal? -How easy would it be? Doesn't seem too...
  10. Tremulant


    Always, always, always check your mirrors, or you may end up like this guy: YouTube - Motorcycle Crash
  11. Tremulant

    Post your Ride Playlists!

    I was putting together a playlist for my next ride, and I thought it would be really cool to see what everyone likes to listen to when they ride! So put together a good playlist and lets see what you've got! Here's mine: 1. Board up the House - Genghis Tron 2. Divinations - Mastodon 3...
  12. Tremulant

    Utah Riders Thread

    Make yourselves known here! I'm just sitting here at work begrudging the horrible outlook for the weather here in Utah, and I was just thinking that it would be good to get to know the local riders on this forum (if there are any). I just think it would great to have some local connections...
  13. Tremulant

    Moto GP

    I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with my beautiful Fz6 that I love so dearly, but I haven't been able to find the info anywhere else, and I know there must be a few Moto GP fans puttin' around here....Just a simple question for anyone who would be so kind as to help me out: What channel...
  14. Tremulant

    Hometown riding conditions

    I live in Utah and the weather here is absolutely tormenting...It starts to get to the high temperatures but then the next day it storms. Even when the roads are warm, the wind picks up like crazy. I can't stand it! I want to sell my car and just ride everywhere, but I guess I will have to wait...
  15. Tremulant

    Engine Break-In

    Hey Guys, new member here, and a fairly new rider. I bought a new FZ6 a little over a month ago, (beautiful day! I've wanted one for so long!) and I'm a pretty new rider so I didn't really know about taking it easy on the engine while it's still new...I pushed it pretty hard the first day I...