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  1. S

    Agonizing choice of touring windscreens: GIVI ??

    I read some comments from the guys at Cal Sci. They tried and tried to make one for the '04-06 FZ6. With the design of the fairing they couldn't get it to work to their high standards. They would rather not make one at all then put out a product that they were not satified with/proud of. I can...
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    riding with mans best friend

    I know a guy who had a Beagal who rode around in a milk crate on the back of his old Gold Wing (The original naked Gold Wing).
  3. S

    Why do we mod our bikes?

    The poster who said "improvment" got it right in a nutshell. We all seek to improve the bike in some manner. For some it would be an increase in preformance-Speed, braking, handling For some-increase in comfort For some-practicality for daily use For some-a long distance tourer. For...
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    Ride To Work Day

    I escort funeral processions. I have a former CHP BMW. The company I work for contracts with funeral homes and we provide the escorts. Interesting work and fun. We don't deal with the grieving families much, so that sadness is not part of my day to day life. I've been doing it part time since...
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    Ride To Work Day

    Pretty much a moot point for me. I ride for a living. If I'm not riding, I'm not working.
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    Awesome product for those..

    Intresting. I wonder if it really works as advertised.
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    So who wants one of these?

    Now that's funny. As to the law, probably something similar to shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater.
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    Happy Fathers Day!

    Just wanted to wish all my fellow dads out their a Happy Fathers Day. God Bless. :rockon:
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    Fuel MPG Questions

    Time for a Speedo Healer. Your Mods could effect milage, but I would doubt that they would by that amount.
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    Any clues?

    Glad you got it resolved. Beam me up Scotty.
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    Fz6 Down

    In some cases that is exactly what they are thinking. The last 2 years of my grandmother's driving life she refused to use her turn signals. She said she didn't want to burn out the bulbs. Sorry about your bike. Glad you are not hurt worse. get well and don't make any rash descissions aobut...
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    Givi Crash Bars...

    Got the crash bars and love 'em. Plan to add some highway pegs but haven't gotten around to it yet. I installed them at the last oil change so don't know abou that yet.
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    $100 Stop light--divine intervention?

    LOL! :thumbup:
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    Is it legal to lane-split in Texas?

    As far as I know CA is still the only state where it is legal. I understand AZ had some pending legislation that was a "trial period" of some sort and also was limited to the population centers.
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    $100 Stop light--divine intervention?

    The Stop light thread got me thinking of an incident that happened to me very early in my riding life. I was at a stoplight on my way home from work at about 11:00 PM. I was in neutral (I know I know, I did say I was a new rider at the time.) I'm looking around and I see what appears to be a...
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    TWO WHEELS,,,, why?

    If you have to ask, I can't explain it.
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    I use my horn constantly. Better to piss someone off than be a hood ornament. I put the PIAA Sprot horn on the FZ and it is a huge improvement over the stock horn. However on the BMW the CHP left the siren on the bike when they sold it. It has two switches, on for the siren and one for an...
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    Thinkin about getting another bike!

    The BMW R----GS bikes tend to be to heavy for serious off road. Although they make great on road touring bikes.If more than fire roads are in your off road plans and you want a Beemer look at the F and G series GS bikes. KTM's look awsome but I have no experience with them. People really seem...
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    Just recieved from the AMA.

    All factory M/C exhaust systems in the US do. Required by the EPA.
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    Just recieved from the AMA.

    The earlier versions of the bill that required emmisions testing went back to 2000 model year. That was bad enough. Trying to go back nearly 30 years is insane. That said this is California, land of the fruits and nuts.