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  1. Tailgate

    Encouraging Word About Valve Adjustment:

    1) Check: (valves not checked at 60,000 miles). 2) Check: Spark plugs not changed in over 40,000 miles
  2. Tailgate

    Valve Clearance Adjustment from Hell

    Geez, every mechanic's nightmare. Thanks for the post
  3. Tailgate

    Time for dual sport bike on this one!

    My brother, recently back from Pakistan & India, sent me this link: Looks awfully exciting, like maybe a motorbike's Mt. Everest caliber ride. I would do it and am looking into a rental if available. Would be especially exciting doing this solo. What...
  4. Tailgate

    Moto Insurance Rates 2016 (USA/NJ/BASIC)

    I just recently changed my FZ6 insurance coverage from Foremost to Progressive and save about $200. For some reason (no events!), Foremost increased my premium by about 100%! I was pleasantly surprised to discover HOW MUCH CHEAPER Progressive provides me with the same exact coverage. I have...
  5. Tailgate

    Gotta ride with VegasRider today

    Great, I already now have missed yet another nearby fun group ride. I will definitely sign up for one of these upcoming rides if I can. Maybe SoCal, too. Tis the season you know...
  6. Tailgate

    2006 FZ6 Crashed, Sat and Won't Run

    I am one to testify that, yes, old fuel will really affect our FZ6 motor. I had gas probably only 4-5 months old. The bike would BARELY start after multiple tries and even then, once even shut down WHILE RIDING. After burning the rest of the remaining gas, I pumped fresh gas in and the bike...
  7. Tailgate

    Went down

    Jesse, so you missed a turn, eh? Sounds like what I did a few years ago. I guess you might call it "lazy attention" because it wasn't as if I wasn't aware of the turn radius---I could have easily navigated the turn (two-lane mountain highway) but didn't take it seriously enough and my front tire...
  8. Tailgate

    New owner of an 09 FZ6

    Did you get the fast blue or the slow red?
  9. Tailgate

    so whats wores than a broken clutch cable?

    I don't like others messing with beer, either. Some things one just shouldn't mess with unless one is absolutely SURE that no beer drinkers will take offense. Boy, last time I broke a clutch cable was on a 1971 Honda CB350 and it happened in hilly San Francisco. Fortunately, it happened in...
  10. Tailgate

    Lefty is still alive!

    Another defector from California! Geez, Lefty, after this move, might be wondering: "Geez, what's missing? I remember that while living in CA I used to see so many warning notices in just about every store. What was it.....? Hmmmm. OH YEAH! Answer: THOSE DAMN 1,000,000,000,000,000 PROP 65...
  11. Tailgate

    Shipping vs. Fly and pick up?

    Ride, baby,ride. You have 3A Premier or some other road service m/c friendly, though? Other than that, a tire plug kit with pump and, myself, I would get to know my bike GOOD!.
  12. Tailgate

    46 Years!!

    Never met your wife but, obviously, a keeper! Hope to get to SoCal soon to join you on yet another ride.
  13. Tailgate

    170 CCamp battery for FZ6?

    I ended up buying a clearance-priced ($25) Walmart battery. My OEM lasted since purchase in Nov 2006! Update March, 2016: Wrong battery! Walmart doesn't even carry correct size. Ordering OEM today. I don't think the Yuasa OEM is 220 CCA as Amazon states. I found it on another site stating...
  14. Tailgate

    170 CCamp battery for FZ6?

    I've noticed some replacement batteries have only 170 CCamps while the Yuasa OEM has 220 CCamps. Anybody riding around on a 170 CCamp battery? Geesh, I think I'll spend the extra for Yuasa since it's 220 CCamps. Lots more expensive, though.
  15. Tailgate

    So I fell today

    Yeah, I would just spray flat black on the cover. I think I'm one of the few (or only?) to actually straighten out the fairing stay. But, that was at a cost: I injured my shoulder/arm (okay after months) in pulling/straightening it back----and that was using hot MAP flame heating operation...
  16. Tailgate

    Happy Birthday Cliff (motogiro)

    Better late than never. You on a Gold Wing now? Gone conservative? N'no way!
  17. Tailgate

    Happy Birthday Monica!

    Yup, some of the same thunderstorm activity here, too.
  18. Tailgate

    Happy Birthday Monica!

    Did you wish for some more rain at blowout time? We need it.
  19. Tailgate

    Help me troubleshoot CPS

    I like El Dorado buffet but Silver Legacy, Peppermill, sometimes Sands and Circus Circus, Atlantis, Harrah's are all good. Isn't Reno great for casino buffet deals? Waiting to see what the cause of your intermittent start issues ends up being.
  20. Tailgate

    Checking oil

    Glad you posted that. I always wondered: "Do I thread the dipstick in first before reading or not?" Next time, I won't thread it in (but have for last 40K miles). Once I overfilled it and oil seeped out of the right side cover. Sucked out some oil with syringe and oil seeping stopped immediately.