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  1. chucknorris

    Where do you work and what do you do?

    Branch manager for a wholesale commodity/allied building materials.:rockon:
  2. chucknorris

    Gone to the Dark side (of Yammie that is)

    I have had a couple of rides so far and toucan notice a difference right away,it is a little heavier and a little more intimidating when you first get in the saddle. In all fairness she needs a new front tire too that I have but just don't have installed... Still handles great and the power...
  3. chucknorris

    Gone to the Dark side (of Yammie that is)

    the Wife decided she was going to do a motorcycle course and get her licence,she passed with flying colors and now has her permit.So she decides she wants to ride the FZ6 now that I have all the Modding done:cheer: So i did what any good Husband would do,said YES DEAR!! then went out and...
  4. chucknorris

    WTB Stock exhaust

    I have one but I live in Canada and the freight may be brutal ???
  5. chucknorris

    Baffles out on Leo Vince

    Got out this evening for a ride with the db killers out.....sounded great,not really too loud but a little deeper tone the with the db killers in.i think I will keep them out for a little while,see if I get to much seems the drooning is between 3-5 rpm's .but I hope too be going...
  6. chucknorris

    Baffles out on Leo Vince

    Me and my buddy put a new tire and back brakes on his Vmax last night then we decided to remove the baffles out of my Leo's for the hell of it!! Holy crap it sounds mean!!! It was to late to rip up and down the street but I left them out for a test when I get home from work today... Who has...
  7. chucknorris

    Ride for Dad 2013

    Nice turn out,ours is this saturday and we usually get 600-700 bikes....
  8. chucknorris

    2008 FZ6 to 2012 FZ8

    I 2nd that i test rode a 2011 FZ8 last year before I bought my FZ6 and found great torque,alittle hevier but not sure on the gas milege difference.... I ended up buying the 6 because it is my second bike and I found it plenty fast and easy to ride for a quick ride around town (also because of...
  9. chucknorris

    Rode to work and had to take a snap...

    Looked sweet in my warehouse,had to take a snap!!!!
  10. chucknorris

    Come on Spring !

    We need Spring
  11. chucknorris

    2008 Yamaha FZ6 Cobalt Blue- $3800

    Sweet looking ride where did you grt that luggage? and what is the name of it?
  12. chucknorris

    Replacement Exhaust Suggestions

    LEO'S Not too loud but has a sweet note in the RPM's.Looks great and easy to install.
  13. chucknorris

    Best (cosmetic) mods on the 6.

    I would have to say all the back end(fender eliminator & exhaust) smoked windsheild, swing arm decals & leavers like I have done!!! :BLAA:
  14. chucknorris

    Caption competition

    I guess they took the optional car seat!
  15. chucknorris

    All cleaned up and ready to go!!!

    Had both out for a ride this past weekend,It was a bombing 1.5-2 degrees Celcius Yes CELCIUS but what a great ride I had feels great to be back in the saddle...... and to finally hear those LEO's scream....:rockon:
  16. chucknorris

    Woundering if there were any bike clubs in mtl

    I ride with a national riding group here in Newfoundland called Canadian motorcycle cruisers (CMC) I know they have chapters in Montreal for sure,just google them... Doesn't matter what you ride just that you do.
  17. chucknorris

    Fz6 Noob

    :rof::rof:Don't worry Red is fast !! BUT NOT AS FAST AS BLUE!!
  18. chucknorris

    Bought a new play toy yesterday

    I will ride this in the woods trails at the cabin mostly,I actually have the old railway tracks right next to my house that are not used anymore I can get on and ride for days and days,here is a pic on the track from last Saturday.This machine is only 50" wide so it is basically the same as a...
  19. chucknorris

    Bought a new play toy yesterday

    The go pro is the next investment I think.....
  20. chucknorris

    Funny stuff!!!

    TOUGH CROWD !!:banghead: