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  1. K

    Rear tire

    Wow!! Thanks, Cliff! That's the exact pic I needed. And next time, I would appreciate an answer faster than within the hour late on a Sunday night! :rockon:
  2. K

    Rear tire

    This is my 2nd post to the FZ6 forum, with the first one being my entry into the Hall of Shame with my 0mph drop. This is my second entry. In trying to save some money on a tire repair, 4 weeks ago I removed the rear tire with no problems at all, knowing for sure that I would remember how all...
  3. K

    First Accident (and hopefully only)

    Youch! Glad the damage wasn't any worse! Thanks for sharing! It gives the rest of us a chance to evaluate our gear to what damage WE would have had/not have had in a similar off! Wishing you a quick recovery! Kevin
  4. K

    Texas Hill Country 05/07/13

    Looks like a fun ride! You rode right past my house on Fitzhugh in Dripping Springs! Wish I coulda made the trip with you! Kevin
  5. K

    New Member from Austin, Tx

    Welcome from Dripping Springs! I got here about the same time you did! Bought my '08 FZ6 in October and love it! Have already put 8K miles on it commuting back and forth from Dripping Springs to N. Austin to work! Hope to see ya along the highway somewhere! Kevin
  6. K

    What bike did you learn on?

    The 2008 cobalt blue FZ6 I bought last October was my first dirt bikes, no mini bikes...only two-wheeled experience was the kind you have to pedal. :-) The FZ6 has been great to learn on! It's my daily 60-mile commuter now!
  7. K

    Dropped it....0 mph!!

    To Whom It May Concern: Please find my enclosed application for my "Hall Of Shame" membership card. I was stopped in a long line of cars (aka "host of witnesses") waiting to make a left turn. When it came my turn, I had my handle bars slightly turned left and gave it the gas and released the...
  8. K

    First Bike - FZ6

    Congrats on the beautiful new bike! I bought MY first bike (Cobalt blue '08 FZ6) in October and the smile has not left my face since!! I, too, had issues with cold hands. There are about 6 weeks in Austin where we can get down into the 20s in the mornings and I want to use my FZ6 to make my...
  9. K

    bd43's 07 Headlight Mod Part 2

    +1 on bd43's headlight mod!! I have had the wire for a week now but finally got to it tonight. I am completely electronically challenged and can easily streamline a 1 hour job into 3 hours. However, despite massive ineptitude ("Where's that screwdriver I had just 30 seconds ago?" and "How did...
  10. K

    keeping your hands warm this winter!

    +1 on the Gerbings heated gloves. After getting my first bike ('08 FZ6) about six weeks ago, I've been debating how much I'm willing to spend to ride in our "harsh" Texas winters. ;) I did not want to lose the 3-5 weeks of riding just because the temps in the morning dip into the 20s. But my...
  11. K

    To Excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Re: Too Excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, and +1 on all the gear advice! I am only slightly ahead of you, as I took my MSF course and bought my '08 FZ6 about 6 weeks ago! It has definitely been a blast and am now commuting the 60-mile roundtrip to work daily. It's...
  12. K

    Has your bike ever hit the ground?

    Not yet...but it's a little soon to brag. I'm only 6 weeks into this new motorcycle adventure!! But I bought some MotovationUSA framesliders today for the FZ6 so now it's just a matter of time. :shakehead:
  13. K

    RIP not forgotten

    Blessings and comfort to you and your family on a very difficult and emotional anniversary.
  14. K

    How old are you?

    47 and heading to Dallas on Monday to pick my first bike ever! 2008 FZ6...thanks to you guys and all the info you provide, it looks like I can't lose with this bike as far as commuting and weekend fun and reliability! Can't wait!