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  1. Verharen

    Hellooooooo dear friends!

    We are on our way to Maui! Because...
  2. Verharen

    FREE: Contour HD camera and mounts (720p)

    Wow. Timing is everything. I just ordered a camera from Amazon yesterday.
  3. Verharen

    SoCal Hoons Let's Ride! It's Been Way Too Long!

    About to head down Montezooma!
  4. Verharen

    Hellooooooo dear friends!

    Monica!!!!! How cool! I kinda have to stand back from Goop's Triple so I don't drool on it. They are beautiful bikes. I'm going to have to remember to get in touch with you next fall if I ride up there with my Ducati Guy. The past two years we've ridden our bikes up to June Lake and done some...
  5. Verharen

    SoCal Hoons Let's Ride! It's Been Way Too Long!

    I have a 9am appt in Ramona Sat. But I bet I can catch up with you!!!
  6. Verharen

    Hellooooooo dear friends!

    I know it has been ages since I stopped by to chat. Will you forgive me? I have missed ya'll and feel the need to catch up a bit. I still have my trusty gsxr, although I am not riding nearly as much as I used to. Of course I used to ride constantly because I had a lot of free time. That has...
  7. Verharen

    June 27th ride report

    It was great to ride with my best riding pals. So much food! And no one would help Jerry. (Guys, sorry...the few pics I took were blurry...think I smudged the lens cover) Let's do it again sometime soon.
  8. Verharen

    Hoon Alert! May 16th ride

    Re: Hoon Alert! May 9th ride Next Saturday (May 16) works better for me too. I've got plans this weekend. Sure would be fun to see you all!
  9. Verharen

    Happy Birthday Verharen!

    I finally got a nice long ride in today. Went out to Sage Rd, through Hemet and up to Idyllwild for lunch. Along the way I was reminded of my many FZ Forum friends with whom I've travelled these roads. Motojoe and Mrs on the Space Shuttle were definitely with me today. Had lunch at the Gnome...
  10. Verharen

    New member here

    Welcome tdp! You'll hear lots of great advice on improving your riding skills on this forum. Rumor has it, there are a few MSF instructors who hang out here. I am not one of them but have learned from them even though I'm not on an FZ. Spring is coming...We've been enjoying it for weeks now...
  11. Verharen

    I've sipped the Kool aide and like it

    Welcome from a fellow gixxer rider!
  12. Verharen

    Happy Birthday Verharen!

    Thanks to everyone for the wishes, and thanks for posting the pictures Cliff! I especially like that first one. How did you manage to catch all of us with our eyes closed? It was a great party, I wish everyone could've been there. I'm glad you had fun on the ride, it ended up being a little...
  13. Verharen

    Ride Saturday March 7

    Sorry Jerry! It'll be a few weeks before I can get up your way. And since I haven't been doing as much riding I'll need to work my endurance back up for a long ride. My back doesn't seem to be as strong as it was two years ago!
  14. Verharen

    OT - Landmarks: zoomed out

    I visited the Taj Mahal in 2001. That hazy mist that you often see in pictures? Air pollution. It's so bad the marble is pitting and disintegrating. They use electric cars to shuttle visitors there from a remote parking lot, but the whole city is engulfed in thick smog. On a more positive...
  15. Verharen

    Ride Saturday March 7

    Sorry I missed you guys yesterday. I was at the "Best Coast Beer Fest" at the Embarcadero. I helped with the set up, poured some tastes for attendees, then escaped before everyone got too rowdy. I got to ride a short little loop late this afternoon. Wow is the weather nice around here! And...
  16. Verharen

    All the Hoons in Hoonville! Lets Ride the 24th!

    The first time we met, part of what caused me to stop and say hi was that you seemed like a group that valued safety through quality gear. I still feel like a new rider when I'm with you guys though! I've got nothing on your experience...but I'm working on it! As for gear I'm wishing there was...
  17. Verharen

    All the Hoons in Hoonville! Lets Ride the 24th!

    We had a great day today! The guys took LOTS of pictures, so I hope they get them posted up. Jerry was at Motogiro's last night and I joined them for some pizza, brining along Mike & his daughter. This morning, I caught up with J & M and Goop in Ramona as we headed out to the meet up point...
  18. Verharen

    All the Hoons in Hoonville! Lets Ride the 24th!

    He's been doing some work on his bike and I don't think it'll be back together yet as he's still searching eBay & CL for some parts. I expect it'll just be me. If anyone needs it, I have a guest room available too (Fri and/or Sat).
  19. Verharen

    All the Hoons in Hoonville! Lets Ride the 24th!

    Jerry usually wears his FZ6 shirt to represent if needed.
  20. Verharen

    All the Hoons in Hoonville! Lets Ride the 24th!

    Yummmmm! Can I be in on this too? Best Pizza in San Diego. :cheer: