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  1. paperpirate

    alternate speedos

    Been using the original speedo on the '05 fazer but it bounces and looks untidy. Just wondering if you guys have had much luck findig some alternate speedos that fit nicely. If possible some links or pics would be nice
  2. paperpirate

    FZ6 with Beowulf exhaust

    got beowulfs on mine, not meant for the fz6 and are mounted sideways. (will post a picture later on) sounding good though, like the comparioson video
  3. paperpirate

    ~~~ What did you do to your Bike Today Thread??? ~~~

    unrelated to water pumps but rode it home with the new exhast (Ican hear it now =]) and strapped a help for heroes teddy to the front between the lights
  4. paperpirate

    Biggest wobbles and best saves in MotoGP

    showing as restricted now, having to go onto you tube. And I was planning on having a productive day... Damn you suggested videos!!
  5. paperpirate

    New exhausts and recent conversion

    picking it up tomorrow! rung the guy who just revved it and laughed at the difference between before and after
  6. paperpirate

    New exhausts and recent conversion

    Dropping bike off on sunday to get some new exhausts put on, a set of Beauwolf cans £80 for the pair :rockon: Recently did the conversion too from stock to naked, got two big lights rather than the one in the centre, will post some pictures up when its back next weekend
  7. paperpirate

    Member Phrank2k11 in hospital

    glad nothing was broken or anything like that. Heal up soon!
  8. paperpirate

    ~~~$$$The Recent Purchase Thread$$$~~~

    bought and installed set of speed tripple lights (the round ones) this weekend and played with speedo bracket now much less bouncy than before!
  9. paperpirate

    For those that workout, what's your routine?

    I do weekdays get home from work about 6 spend a hour in home gym then tea. Weekends off for riding or airsofting, which is a workout in itself!
  10. paperpirate

    Where's everyone gone?

    Well done mate sure to see you about sometime! better than me I got three minors! but then again did get lost :spank: Congrats again, take it steady and wait till the big lightbulb in the sky gets turned back on before you start having too much fun :rockon::thumbup:
  11. paperpirate

    Which piece of gear do you wish you had never brought or own and why?

    one of them anti-fogging screens, I ride with a snoode on all year except mid summer when its red hot, pretty rare for us! anyway with the snoode and anti steam combo i can never see where I'm going!! luckily nothing more expensive than that so far, tend to have one set of kit and stick with it
  12. paperpirate

    Where's everyone gone?

    found that alot whilst commuting, one road inparticular it was a 30mph limit but with poor markings and wide/ long enough to be a 40, only reason it was 30 because there was a school and a park. If you didnt stick in the middle tootling on at 35, because the police liked to catch people on there...
  13. paperpirate

    New member - the big read

    So it's you that broke the weather!! ;) :welcome:
  14. paperpirate

    Where's everyone gone?

    that was my instructors attitude as me and the lad with me both passed he said the ride back we were going to ride like proper bikers and to keep up!!
  15. paperpirate

    Where's everyone gone?

    good luck for your test mate fingers crossed! I went the wrong way on indipendant riding and still passed somehow! as for conersion. not sure what else id need ive got some speed triple headlights bracket and screen so far. mirrors to purchase next pay day
  16. paperpirate

    Where's everyone gone?

    Another point for yorkshire! just been lurking for a while not posted in forever and was absent for about 6 months. Getting back into the swing of things now everythings settled and I've new job so money to put into hobbies again. Squires is a good cafe, looking forward to their easter egg...
  17. paperpirate

    bike not starting, ER-1 code, battery charged

    had the same after i dumped it in a suprise snow storm on way home in jan/ feb time this year. when i got it home had this message so waited till the snow had gone, bump started it and went for a ride at higher than normal revs. never had it show again after that so maay just need bumping
  18. paperpirate

    great commercial for lane filtering.

    we can legally filter in uk but some people think we shouldnt be allowed and purposefully move out to block you. it is quick and if traffic is stopped still ill tootle at 15mph so plenty of time to react if anyone decides to pull out. they normally get an earfull or their mirror slapped for...
  19. paperpirate

    Do you wave at Harley riders?

    i rarely see people wave, its more of a nod. but i wave at everyone if tey are kitted out right even scooters if they have two wheels were on the same page.
  20. paperpirate

    painting tips

    did some riding today but took the back off when i got back so i can do the grab handles and pop up some photos of how i get on. keeping fingers crossed first attempt at a paint job!