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  1. gnyce

    Gathering of the Nortons (today/Apr 28, 2024) @Gary in NJ might you be going, since I think this is around your neck of the woods? Performance Garage Club 843 NJ Route 12 Frenchtown, NJ Show Opens 10AM to 1PM
  2. gnyce

    calculating electrical load

    Quiet here, so I'll throw this one out. A few weeks ago I was sorting the ('05) FZ6 for winter riding. Minor stuff, but it included stringing a new wire from the battery to support my new warm n safe controller (I have an older heated vest - controller is new tho'), and that got me to...
  3. gnyce

    Happy 8-year Anniversary

    On this day - October 9, 2015 - I officially purchased and brought my FZ6 home. First bike I've owned since forever (teenager)! Bought it sight-unseen (my older brother drove an hour to check it out for me), bought it before ever riding on one, or sitting on one, or even seeing one in person -...
  4. gnyce

    EU FZ6 (Fazer?) and Stelvio Pass

    Last week, during a family trip to Northern Italy/German/Austria, I had two highlights worth sharing (here). 1) While at Eagle's Nest, waiting for the bus to the top, I heard a familiar exhaust note.. and sure enough, it was an FZ6! Rather, the EU version, I think a Fazer? It had the round...
  5. gnyce

    TBS - no value on Cyl # 4

    Lubing clutch cable, adjusting headlights, and doing a throttle body sync, and not getting a value on Cyl 4, even with wildly adjusting the screw in either direction. I'm guessing this does not bode well, but - I dont' know what it is indicative _of_. I did swap hoses/dials between Cyl 3 and...
  6. gnyce

    Bike Bandit

    Interesting article - I had no idea (but not ordering much in the way of parts right now). I did look - and had ordered a battery from them back in 2020.
  7. gnyce

    Recent road trip to Canada

    Write-up of a recent trip. It was pretty frenzied - I hadn't been on a road trip of decent length for 2 years (thanks Covid!) and just had to get outta' Dodge. No heavy site-seeing, barely even pulled over to take pictures. Put some miles on, that is what I was after - including the last day...
  8. gnyce

    What is that noise?

    Asking for any assistance that can be rendered, as I'm currently striking out. This project (being going on for a bit, I know), a 1990 Yamaha FZR600, has been back on the road and doing well - or so I thought. On a rather uneventful ride - an errand, really, on my birthday - about a mile from...
  9. gnyce

    "New" ride for me (non-FZ6)

    I'm not just riding my FZ6 (new Road 5 tires on the way in order to pass inspection) these days... an ex-coworker gave a not-running 2009 150cc scooter to me a number of months ago. It has many names (Znen/Lance Milan/Komoto), but it's the basic GY-6 engine setup coming out of China. It...
  10. gnyce

    What is this bike?

    Short-form background - we had a mini family reunion, and my Mom was trying to get us kids to take some of her photos. I ended up with this one, below. It is my uncle, reportedly when he was 18 years-old (so we believe about 1942). Anyone care to guess what sort of bike he is on? To be...
  11. gnyce

    Do you ride solo or in groups?

    I've been riding on my own the past several years (as I got back into motorcycling). I don't have any (existing) friends that ride, which is why I'm usually solo. And typically I'm fine with that, I use it to explore new roads and new areas of the countryside. But sometimes I'd like to ride...
  12. gnyce

    ebay in Italy

    Need an item from ebay in Italy. Seller does not ship to the US (and it appears, only shops domestically). I've been unable to find this part anywhere else (unobtanium). Any clever ppl know how to get this purchased and somehow to me? Some sort of in-country proxy-purchaser? Anything...
  13. gnyce

    diagnosing a possible transmission issue (non FZ6)

    Throwing this out there to those mechanically-inclined as this is out of my depth/experience to-date. Short form, working on a project, a 1990 Yamaha FZR600R. Condition was unknown, but I liked the backstory and I love the look of these bikes, plus it was cheap. Have it turning over/running...
  14. gnyce

    What are these (non-FZ6)?

    Long-story shorter, I purchased a 1990 Yamaha FZR600R a few months back. It's a definite fix-up project, as it's not clear was it was last running, or even started. As I understand it, the previous owner (1-owner bike, has 57k miles) is currently in an Alzheimers facility. His wife is...
  15. gnyce

    my garage vs. another garage

    Long(er) story short, last Sunday was an interesting day for me. 1) I bought a new winter project - a 1990 Yamaha FZR600. It is not running, and the condition is kinda' unknown. It was very cheap ($300), has 57k miles, and comes with a 2nd-engine and a bunch of unopened OEM/Yamaha parts...
  16. gnyce

    Jarvish kickstarter (helmet)

    What do we think of this? I suppose anyone burned by Skully might be skittish and rightly so. The individuals involved include former employees of Foxconn, Intel, and Garmin, so at least they aren't completely from left-field. Not sure I need the HUD, but I'm aware that in traffic, front/rear...
  17. gnyce

    latest project - '87 FZR1000

    Bought this during the summer. Definitely a fixer-upper, but it ran/was rideable. Due to some unexpected circumstances, I ended up with 3 bikes... my neighbor gave me an '82 XJ750 Maxim project to fix up (non-running). That took awhile, but got it running and addressed some issues, sold via...
  18. gnyce

    article - Full Moon Is Bad, But Supermoon Is Even Worse for Motorcyclists

    "On average, these motorcyclists tended to be about 32 years old, male, riding in a rural area, not wearing a helmet and involved in a head-on frontal collision." I think the prevailing wisdom here is that helmets are highly recommended... not to mention the median age is a bit above 32 years...
  19. gnyce

    what should my next bike-project be?

    Given the wealth of experience/knowledge here, thought I'd see if anyone wants to weigh in. Still pretty inexperienced with regards to small-engine/mechanical stuff, but so far I've done some minor fixups of an '83 Nighthawk and a '90 suzuki dr100 (for my kid). Looking to pick up a new winter...
  20. gnyce

    3d-printed tire concept I find this _fascinating_, but since it is a wheel/tire all in one... not sure if it would work for a motorcycle, esp. a sport-style that leans over more. Or maybe it just needs a different printed...