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  1. Cuba

    Rahm and I agree on something

    In a Facebook post, Sarah Palin calls on President Obama to fire Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for reportedly describing the strategy of Senate liberals as "****ing retarded." Read more: Palin Wants Rahm Fired -- Political Wire :D
  2. Cuba

    Obama Budget is here... Remember "Not one dime!"???

    Backdoor taxes to hit middle class - Yahoo! News By Terri Cullen Terri Cullen – Mon Feb 1, 4:09 pm ET NEW YORK ( --The Obama administration's plan to cut more than $1 trillion from the deficit over the next decade relies heavily on so-called backdoor tax increases that will...
  3. Cuba

    Obama speech tonight: Austerity!

    Obama's answer for America: more of me Comments: 2 Last Updated: 7:14 AM, January 28, 2010 Posted: 3:00 AM, January 28, 2010 There's a story of an ex hausted tenor at La Scala who, facing repeated cries of "Encore," responded that he couldn't go on. A man rose in the audience to say...
  4. Cuba

    Why Is Universal Health Care ‘Un-American’?

    Sour grapes, eh? Never in history has a president's popularity plummeted so far so fast. His entire strategy of Rahm it down their throats with a supermajority is off the rails and they are now left backpeddalling with their plans in tatters, all because they are so incredibly extreme and...
  5. Cuba

    We did it!

    So it seems the current health care bill is dead. I was watching an explanation of reconciliation last night by Judd Gregg, and the process isn't as simple as Harry Reid pretends it to be. In order to use reconciliation it has to be for budget concerns, not policy. The dems threat was that the...
  6. Cuba

    We did it!

    I saw Ed "propaganda hour" Shultz on MSNBC this morning, hilarious. He's been running non stop attacks on Scott Brown for a while now, advocating voter fraud and saying he would cheat to put Martha Coakley in office. He didn't look so happy. 78% of Brown voters are "strongly opposed" to the...
  7. Cuba

    Do we go backwards?

    You participated in the conversation about this, I was just recapping here. Not sure how you could forget so quickly. What form of government is Obama moving towards in your opinion? Still afraid of the S word? :D
  8. Cuba

    Do we go backwards?

    You were actually part of that discussion weren't you? It was on the concepts of state control over banking (Citi group, Geithner forced mergers and forced borrowing of TARP funds, salary and bonus controls, impending taxation and regulation of the industry), and production (Chrysler/GM...
  9. Cuba

    Do we go backwards?

    Very simplistic linear train of thought there. Educate yourself on the concepts of national socialism, which is a form of government not a specific governing body, then compare to the recent exploits of our current administration. It's true that there are undeniable similarities between the two...
  10. Cuba

    Do we go backwards?

    Relax! Google bought Obama long ago, they're just protecting their investment. This site has been very good about keeping politics where they belong, in the underground politics section :D Please make sure you do the same, those are the rules. And for the record it isn't communism, it's national...
  11. Cuba

    We've got a race here in MA, don't we?

    Apparently the polls are increasingly in his favor, this could be huge. I think they'd still weasle out some sort of health care bill even if Brown wins, but it would be a bad bill and give them more problems than if nothing passed at all. Can you imagine what might happen if Obama stood up...
  12. Cuba

    We've got a race here in MA, don't we?

    I almost wish I was still a Mass resident. I love Brown's quote, and I feel like the sense of entitlement for corrupt politicians in MA, who just happen to all be democrats but the same would be true if they were from another party, might actually get a wake up call from this. Even if Brown...
  13. Cuba

    Obama's First Year in Office

    Bit of a Fruedian slip there huh? :D
  14. Cuba

    Obama-Bush Bush-Obama

    :rof: That cracked me up! Yes, those are pretty good points however I think it's somewhat out of context. Bush had a grace period as well, and an enormously higher approval rating 1 year in. If Obama keeps it up then I think he will start to see similar treatment as Bush did later on.
  15. Cuba

    A look at the new era of government transparency and post partisanship

    I think the current healthcare situation warrants another look at Obama's transparency. Watch this video: The C-Span Lie? See Eight Clips of Obama Promising Televised Healthcare Negotiations Yesterday the White House refused to allow CSPAN to film the committee that is...
  16. Cuba

    Why Is Universal Health Care ‘Un-American’?

    Hahaha yes we do! This is a bad bill. It does not solve the problem. It is great for the insurance industry, not for the American people. Obama sold out and broke his promisses. O RLY? I've been telling you this from the start, it's just taken you a whole year to realize it! Your messiah is...
  17. Cuba

    Why Is Universal Health Care ‘Un-American’?

    My God are we actually agreeing here?!? Will wonders never cease. Blame game aside, this is a failure. With control of both houses, a filibuster proof majority, and extreme liberal president, coming off of historic wins with massive support, and we got the worst of both worlds. Obama failed. He...
  18. Cuba

    Should execute Detroit terrorist yesterday

    I agree. I think a show trial is a huge mistake. What message does it send?
  19. Cuba


    I thought it was good. Non IMAX 3D was pretty impressive. It was very predictable and family oriented but still enjoyable to watch. A step forward in the technology for sure, 3D films in general got a bump from this. I hope to see a lot more of them coming out in the near future.
  20. Cuba

    Pets Worse than SUVs

    Carbonated beverages are next. Don't even think about using a charcoal grill next year either.