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  1. I

    background for model...

    I'll give you four from a recent adventure. ;)
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    If I understand you correctly, you are saying this: I crashed my bike, got half-assed repairs done, and then dropped it again while unloading it from a trailer... and now I want to take a monetary loss to get a brand new bike. OK, so here's the thing about that... Why get a new bike when you...
  3. I

    times you have dropped your bike...

    I did EXACTLY this. Bought an 08' new from the dealership as my first bike. Got on it at the dealership, 2 days fresh of passing the motorcycle training course... I figured I knew how to ride, LOL. Long story short it was a much taller and more powerful bike than I rode at the course, and I...
  4. I

    FZ1 Third Wheel?

    ^^^ Yeah, that.
  5. I

    What have you named your FZ6?

    Admittedly I haven't named mine... I do always refer to her as female though :) If I did name her, I'd probably name her after a particular ex girlfriend... They're both loud, quick, touchy, and a whole lot of fun to ride :thumbup:
  6. I

    So... Had a (mostly) nice ride yesterday.

    So... I Almost Lost My License On Saturday... Hey all, I thought I'd share a story with you... Last Saturday was terrific weather here in Calgary, Alberta... Sunny, about 25 C and not a cloud in the sky for 100 miles in any direction... So of course I got out on the bike. I initially...
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    They said it wouldn't hurt!

    I'm in tears at work laughing so hard that my co-workers are wondering what's wrong with me... Oh man, thank-you for this. Amazing write-up.
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    I have owned an Alliance SSR Battlecry for almost a year now... Incredible helmet... A bit heavier than others but I don't care and it's never been a concern. Shield rarely fogs up, interior is comfortable and easy to clean... Basically my helmet is NEVER an issue when riding, and never on my...
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    Cut off by an FZ6!!

    Good idea... I've always wanted a way to say "wear your gear, jackass" with signals... Perhaps a knock on the helmet/jacket might do the trick... I live in Calgary and the squid to properly geared-up rider ratio here is like 5:1 - it's retarded. I get so sick of them.
  10. I

    Are there exceptions to the "never hit a girl" rule?

    Epic tale... Haha... Wow. Who knew that 6 gold diggers could get so physical about it? I mean between them they'd each see maybe $333.33 - hardly worth it!
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    Fancypants Photo Shoot

    It's possible that I simply didn't post the bikini pics :thumbup:
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    A rant and a praise

    Better to have to replace a busted phone than a busted bike and/or rider, if you ask me :P. Sucks, but coulda been way worse dude. Thanks for the review on the BTs... I think BT-021's will be my next tire set.
  13. I

    WTB FZ6 Seat

    I have the stock seat of my 2008 FZ6 for sale. It's mint and I am selling only because I upgraded to a different model of seat. PM me if interested... -Dave
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    Fancypants Photo Shoot

    You have no idea how nice... :D
  15. I

    Fancypants Photo Shoot

    Alright, added her to the pics... Haha.
  16. I

    Fancypants Photo Shoot

    Front isn't too bad but could use replacement... On the rear I'm nearly at the bead though... I figure 400km more tops... These tires have 10,500km on them though so I guess they're due :P Appreciate the heads up!
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    Fancypants Photo Shoot

    Thanks dude! I think that most of the people on this forum, yourself included, can agree that the ride is sweet - we all have one! :)
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    Fancypants Photo Shoot

    EDIT: Alright, alright... I added a pic of the model that I took with my crappy iPhone cam, and a small version of one of her "pro" shots where she's holding my helmet. Enjoy! :P Hey guys, Fairly new to the forum, but participating more and more as the days go by. My name's Dave, pleased...
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    Dunlop Sportmax D252

    I just passed the 10,500km mark (mostly touring and twisties, some commuting), and my front tire has plenty left. My rear, however, is nearly down to the center wear bead... I'd estimate that the traction grooves will be flush with the bead in about 400km... My plan is to ride it out for this...