
  1. swedespeed

    Wheel interchangeability?

    Does anyone know if wheels from another Yamaha will bolt up to the FZ6? Just looking for a more modern spoke design to the ones on my '05 FZ6. Thanks! Edit: nevermind, Yamaha really hasn't changed it's spoke design. Ever.
  2. G

    Mody design battery

    Does browningbuck still sell batteries? I sent $160 to him and have not heard a thing.
  3. N

    S1 and S2 frame question? HELP

    Looking to know if there is a difference from the 04-06 to the 07 08 frames. It seems they carry different part numbers. Im looking to purchase a frame on ebay for my 08 Fz6 and swap all of my parts swing arm suspension breaks everything onto that frame. most of them are 05 or 06 but i cant...
  4. OZXJR

    New Helmet Design

    Have a look at this
  5. FinalImpact

    What was the Design Specification for the 04 - 09 Fizzer??

    Post your thoughts on what the creators may have had in mind when they put the plans together to design our bike. As in, what were the original design inputs that created this bike! They had a plan and a target - lets see if we can re-create it! :thumbup: Perhaps Specify S1 vs S2 in your post...