
  1. iviyth0s

    Moto Insurance Rates 2016 (USA/NJ/BASIC)

    First of all, hello everyone again! I haven't posted or even lurked here in a while but I hope to do more so now that riding season is slowly making its way back. It's almost June which means my annual re-up of insurance so here's one of my famous(?) threads on rate premium comparisons. ENJOY...
  2. gnyce

    where do you keep registration/proof of insurance?

    I've been keeping my registration and proof of insurance in an internal pocket of my coat, but - sometimes I wear a different coat, so that's not a great solution. I thought about under the seat, but it's not exactly weather(water)-proof. Wondering what other people do. _Surely_ there are...
  3. marsman89

    SMIDSY...Happened to me... -_-

    So I was on my way to pick up some food during my lunch hour and was sitting at a red light at a 4 way intersection. The opposite side had a dedicated turn light that went off then my through light turned green (I was headed straight through the intersection). I accelerated to around 25 mph in...
  4. R

    Well Mother Of F***s

    So I had saved up some cash for a new exhaust for the FZ6 and was going to get the Scorps. Well I went this morning to get the Oil changed in my car(2014 civic) and on my way home this girl runs the red light cuts me off where I had to slam on my brakes, and then starts trying to hit me in MY...
  5. ltdillard

    Texas / DFW Insurance

    Hi all, Looks like I may need to shop around; Geico is raising my rate. No accidents, claims, tickets; they just think they can charge more. Any Texas / DFW area riders who can provide an insurance recommendation? Thanks!
  6. B

    storage of motorcycle and liability to structure

    I'm being told that I cannot keep my motorcycle in my dwelling because it voids the owners insurance on the dwelling. I realize that renters insurance does not cover damage to the structure, but will insurance really be voided because there is a motorcycle inside of a dwelling? Sounds like an...
  7. iviyth0s

    Moto Insurance Rates 2015 (USA/NJ/BASIC)

    (2014 Thread) These quotes are for the most basic level of insurance, which is what I get. Current Insurance (Rider) wants $156.40 but here's the breakdown which includes competitor rates which I assume everyone else would find similarly comparable results (or rather ratios of price, company...
  8. MrMogensen

    140 bikes burned to crisp

    Earlier this week there was a major fire at a Danish car and motorcycle dealer. They stored about 140 bikes for costumers during the winther... I hope everyone (the shop included) has got some serious insurance! With so many bikes there were without doubt several custom bikes... Right now I...
  9. C

    Had my first low side over Christmas. What to do now?

    Link to Crash Pics - FZ6 Carnage - Imgur Anyways, in my haste to get on vacation and stop myself from worrying I went ahead claimed insurance on it. But this is my first go around with any thing motorcycle related concerning insurance, repair, etc. In hind sight I'm thinking i shouldn't have...
  10. M

    What are the chances I wrecked my motor??

    I would like to regretfully say I had my first lay-down on my FZ6 a couple weeks ago. It was about 30mph and laid on the left side and aside from the cosmetics, it cracked the stator cover open like an egg and all of the bike's oil came out. I mean a lot. With all of the adrenaline I think my...
  11. A

    busted my FZ6 up

    I joined this forum a couple of months ago, and before I had a reason to use it, some silverhaired cager pulled in front of my and busted up my 07 FZ6. pics here (blood warning) bike wreck - a set on Flickr Not to bad as the injuries are concerened, but there is frame damage. So I'm assuming...
  12. N

    Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Went down today!

    Absolutely stupid move, hit a ramp at 70. In Austin, on 183, taking Mo-Pac south -too fast, and only have stupidity and absent-mindedness to blame. I hit the curb - the part that's 100 feet off the ground, I am so lucky, it could have been so much worse, I rolled off the bike. Thank God...
  13. S

    Insurance...Who and How Much?

    There have been a number of threads lately referencing insurance costs that, to me, seem astronomical. I thought it may not be a bad idea to see about how much everyone is paying (Maybe someone could switch to a less expensive provider) I'll Start... Age: 27 Driving Record: 1 accident, 0...
  14. GTHappy

    Full Insurance recommendations? (Besides State Farm)

    My girlfriend laid her R6 down about a month ago and although it wasn't totaled, repair estimates for it came out to almost $5000. (Mostly broken plastic and a couple stays.) This coupled with her previous bike being stolen last year and a collision in her car at the beginning of this year has...
  15. Wh0M3

    Had a truck pull out in front of me.

    I have been looking around the forum for other threads about people who have been in accidents on their bikes. Well it happened to me not long ago. I was riding to work one morning when a guy in a truck pulled out in front of me. I watched him as he was exiting a parking lot, he stopped...
  16. MarinaFazer

    How much Insurance to have?

    Based on the increasing number of drops, falls, accidents etc I wanted to see what people had for insurance? I currently pay $120 for liability only from Pacific Specialties (McGraw) but now I'm beginning to rethink this strategy as I ride my bike harder and gain more experience and start...