new rider

  1. R

    Work to do after 28k without maintenance?

    Hello everyone. Just like the titles said, I bought a 2006 FZ6 not long ago and only did 3k km with it so far. I'm 17 and don't have a lot of experience with bike maintenance since this is the first thing I've ridden except a scooter. Odometer is at 28/29k ridden but only 3k by me but the last...
  2. RuskiMotorcycle

    New guy here, looking for advice!

    Hey All, I just picked up a 2007 FZ6 about a month ago, and I'm looking for some guidance on how to be a responsible owner. Just as a heads up, this is my first time on a Yamaha or an FZ6, so I'm coming with relatively little prior knowledge of these machines. My History- I started...
  3. B

    New Biker

    Hi All Have just bought my FZ6N after passing my DAS back in April, only had a few rides out so far due to the crap weather but after each ride i was buzzing!! Am looking to do a few mods in the future so will no doubt be looking for advice etc.... Attached a pic for you, applied the...
  4. T

    is Fz6 the right bike for me?

    hi, so first of all i'd like to explain my situation, im a uni student in the uk and i'll want to be using the bike for trips into town but also round trips home about an hour and a half every other weekend.. my first bike was a kawasaki er6n. lovely first bike and it was restricted to...
  5. R

    Newbie mistakes!

    Feel like I made several mistakes. Listening to friends before checking forums was the first! 600cc too powerful for first riders I've read. Well first time rider, took MSF course (I feel that I didn't learn properly, or at least had enough time to be better) and now I own a 2004 FZ6. Been...
  6. Mutineer

    New rider - North Shore, MA

    If anyone is on the North Shore in Mass, I am a new rider (on second season) looking for people to ride with. I am riding out of Peabody. -M
  7. C

    Buying my FZ6 in four days, what can I expect?

    I'm in the middle of selling my 2000 Katana to buy an 06 FZ6. This will be my third bike so I feel that I ready for this faster machine. But most importantly, I'm looking for a bike that is comfortable to drive for at least 2 hrs. What is everyone's opinion on this? And will my wife be...