
  1. gtosteve65

    Has anyone run on PR5s

    Its almost time for new tires. I got 10k miles on my set of PR4s but the front is showing its age. I have probably until the end of the riding season here which is october. I took a look and noone has PR4s in the FZ6 size. Has anyone run the PR5s yet and can tell me how they felt? I loved my PR4s.
  2. lytehouse

    October 2016 BOTM - winner - Motogiro

    The October 2016 photo contest gallery is up and ready for uploads! Once you click the link below you will see a text hyperlink named "Upload Photo" under the "What's New" link. Click on that to start your upload. October 2016 - BOTM <== click here Gallery set up will on the 1st...
  3. agf

    upcoming travel plans

    Hi all, just letting you all know Kez and I are hitting the road again. mid(ish) september back to New York and into DC about the 5 October for a few days. Over to London on the 12 October. sometime in the two weeks after that, into Iceland then back to the UK 24 Oct into Berlin then 22 Nov...
  4. lytehouse

    October 2015 BOTM - winner - MonicaA

    The October 2015 photo contest gallery is up and ready for uploads! Once you click the link below you will see a text hyperlink named "Upload Photo" under the "What's New" link. Click on that to start your upload. October 2015 - BOTM <== click here Gallery set up will on the 1st...
  5. lytehouse

    October 2014 M.B.O.M. - winner - Ohendo

    The October 2014 photo contest gallery is up and ready for uploads! Once you click the link below you will see a text hyperlink named "Upload Photo" in the upper right hand corner of the gallery. Click on that to start your upload. October 2014 - M.B.O.M. <== click here Gallery set up...