
  1. AdventAvalon

    What are some good saddlebags?

    I'm looking to go on a cross country trip and I have all my bags except for saddlebags. What would anyone recommend that has the best rain protection, heat protection, and space for all my stuff? Thanks!
  2. J

    New FZ Owner

    My garage just lost a little bit more space. I picked up an 05 yesterday. So far it's exactly what I was looking for I'd say. A more upright sitting bike that still has some gittyup & go to it. All I've done so far is ride 70 miles in the rain though so we'll see after I get a few more miles...
  3. R

    Headlight not working but High Beams are

    I have the dual headlight mod on my fz6 2005 I'm having a strange situation with this bike. - This is my first bike :) My low beams aren't working but both my high beams are. Lights are ok and he fuses are ok so i'm assuming it's a wiring problem. However, my dual low beams were working...

    Isn't She Beautiful?

    Left Reno-Lake Tahoe Int'l Airport Thursday Morning for: My ride curbside at Sea-Tac: Inside the showroom, she sits waiting. 2014 Multistrada ST You damn right it's sold! The team at Ducati of Seattle was wonderful. Everything was done over the phone and it was easy peasy...
  5. raja777m

    Precautions in rain for helmet

    Hey guys, While riding in rain, what precautions do you take for visibility? Motorcycle is my only commmute and public transit sucks in Charlotte. If it rains when starting from home, I usually don't go out, but once, Siri, Google Now, and Alexa says "It is not going to rain in Charlotte...
  6. lytehouse

    (more) pics from southwest Colorado

    I figured I should post a few pics from our latest trip since I got lazy and didn't post any from the previous trip :/ (Mesa Verde) anyway........ We meet up with a couple of members from our sister FZ1 site and rode around the Ouray area, via a few mountain passes along the way. Cottonwood...
  7. Bill

    Skyline Drive 05/30/2015

    My Wife and I rode through Skyline Drive yesterday. Beautiful day out on the bikes! Very little traffic on the Skyway. Just a little rain, but not too much.
  8. Monica A

    Oregon or Bust ride

    Ladies, can you feel my pain? This past 3day weekend (Memorial Day) I went for a ride with my hubby and 6 other men. I turned into their mommies. Can you zip my vents, can you unzip my vents, can you help me on with my rain jacket, can you help me get off my rain jacket. :D Believe it or...
  9. L

    Upgraded from a Black XJ600 to a White FZ6R

    Hey guys, my name is Scott. I like bikes and cars a lot. Here was the old XJ New bike :D Anyone know what headlight this is by the way? Bulbs are burnt out... was fun riding in the rain when they went out... Few more toys If you know anything about...
  10. ebster1085

    Is it ever gonna stop raining!!??

    Getting pretty sick and tired of showing up to work soaked and then getting home soaked. Pretty sure it has rained more days than it has not rained so far this month in NY..sickening! When did April become May???
  11. AngelFZ

    Unscheduled “forced” bike wash as I was riding it!!!

    After about a year and three quarters of owning my bike and well over 12K miles ridden, yesterday I went through a wall of rain, which left me soaked!!!!! There were scattered showers and I had to go through an area with heavy rain which I was able to see when I left work (which promped me to...
  12. N

    Practiced emergency braking in the rain today

    ....and survived! On the way to work this morning I decided to practice stopping on a wet, straight, empty road near my house. Doing a *real* emergency stop in the rain is definitely something I'd like to avoid, but I thought I'd practice just in case the worst happens. Wow! I did a tank slap...
  13. S

    Do I need a car?

    Hey guys, So I'm moving to north Dallas next week for work and I was wondering if I should invest in a car. Currently I have an 07 Fz6 and I've been using my parent's car whenever needed. I'd like to avoid buying a car if possible so I'd like to ask those of you with only a bike, how practical...