Can you alter a Textile jacket?


Junior Member
Sep 4, 2009
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Bend, OR
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Looking for a jacket for my wife has become a huge ordeal! She is very picky, not wanting a really girly jacket, just a plain but still feminine jacket. She found the Fieldsheer Corsair jacket for a great price $130. (not the 2.0)

Problem is, she is somewhat shorter, small chest, but looooong arms! looking at all the size options, the only one that will fit her arm is a 10, which leaves lots of room in the chest area which will most likely bunch up on her.

Can or has anyone gotten a textile jacket altered? Could we make the chest tighter for her?

Does anyone have any experience with this particular jacket? We already bought it at close out and there are no returns/exchanges, etc. Havent got it yet to test the fit, just going off of the charts. If its just plain too huge we will most likely just sell it since we got such a great deal we shouldnt have a hard time making that back.

There are probably tailors in your area that are up to the task but keep in mind that the threads that are used for these Jackets will probably be of a different grade and strength so sometimes style might be the exchanged for a garment that is designed to protect you. It almost sounds like the exchange of money for this alteration may be more money than finding the right jacket as well as greater risk to welfare. Keep looking for jackets that she will be happy with and that will provide maximum protecting for this loved one!:rockon:
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I'll second Cliff on the respective costs......

Closeout stuff with some vendors is better than others. *Yet another unsolicited plug for *

The nice thing about those folks is they will return whatever you buy until it's 'right'. Extremely easy going customer service.
If I were you, I'd keep looking. It took me a long time to find a leather jacket that suited me - I ended up with a mans jacket, but it was a good fit - most had been too big.

Womens jackets are pink, blue, white or have flowers on, here in Perth.

You just have to be prepared to go to all bike shops, try on all kinds of jackets and be patient.

Cliff is right about tailoring a jacket - waterproofing/integrity may be affected.
Breast augmentation? ;) :justkidding:

Perhaps a man's jacket in a corresponding arm length would be a better fit for her. With the right colors, no one will know the difference. If you get one that has an adjustable waist line in a man's, she can simply pull it in tighter in the middle to achieve the woman's form-fitted look.
Breast augmentation? ;) :justkidding:

Perhaps a man's jacket in a corresponding arm length would be a better fit for her. With the right colors, no one will know the difference. If you get one that has an adjustable waist line in a man's, she can simply pull it in tighter in the middle to achieve the woman's form-fitted look.

+1 on the mans jacket, but the breast augmentation :spank: :spank: :spank:
I have a similar problem. I am 5'6" and a size small, with a 5'8"-5'9" wingspan. Also, pre-baby, pretty much every jacket was huge on my chest.

Brands I have found that work well for smaller ladies with long arms: PowerTrip, Cortech and Shift. Another trick I use is gauntlet style gloves. I figure if my sleeves ride up a bit, at least my wrists are still protected, and no one cares at 65mph.

Good luck! (PS- I have 2 mesh jackets that I am still trying to sell, one is a power trip black Santa Fe jacket size Small, lightly worn, and the other is bright pink and white size XS so probably too girlie.)
Ladies please excuse me for intruding on your world but I Know that women see things differently from men, and have some great tips and advice. But I may be able to help you. Some of the better manufacturers offer alteration service. The price probably is rather high but Gear that fits properly will protect you better. Jackets should be worn with some thing with long sleeves that are not loose. Your elbow "Grating" on the mesh liner of your jacket against your tf3 pads can lead to some painful road-rash. Please set me straight if I'm wrong someone. Thank you for your time reading this. Rich,, Rock the gear!EDIT: Don't click on this link if you are squeamish about injured people, But you should! Thanks Rock The Gear
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Womens jackets are pink, blue, white or have flowers on, here in Perth.

I never can figure out why manufacturers went with the pink, powder blue, white and floral themes for their women's line of gear. I would think most women would not want to be pigeon holed like that and frankly it could be a nuisance on the road. Who needs some goon in a cage harassing a pink jacketed rider just to get some kicks? The few dealers I've talked to hate the pink stuff and say it doesn't sell well.

I find gear sizes run all over the place, in some I wear a large, in other X-large. I'd recommend just continuing to look around, you'll eventually find something. Most of the stuff is made in China and I find their quality control regarding sizes is iffy at best. It varies.

Breast augmentation? ;) :justkidding:

Ick.....saying, just kidding doesn't mitigate a dumb comment. Try saying just kidding at work after harassing a woman and see if the HR department cuts you any slack.
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