Extremity on the injured list!


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May 8, 2008
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San Diego, Ca.
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I received a text today from one of our members, "Extremity". He asked me to tell acquaintances on the forum that he hasn't been on because he was hit by someone texting on their phone.

He's had 2 operations. He has a broken arm, broken and dislocated his wrist and torn the ligaments near his elbow on his right arm. He may loose some use of his right hand. He also suffered bruises.

Give a good thought, wishes and prayers for his speedy recovery. I got to know him and his grandmother a little when we were on the the phone doing some trouble shooting to get his bike running. :)
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Must be pretty bad if he can't even log onto the forum and post. To a speedy recovery! And what Brenda said, only because at this point in time with technology, every driver should know the dangers of texting while driving, really no different than drinking and driving.
It is really horrible, the scourge that is mobile phone use by drivers. I hope you are soon back on deck in tiptop shape Extremity.

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
Likewise; To a Speedy AND COMPLETE Recovery!
Its tough being out from injuries or anything and can make home life very hard. Hang in there OK!

^^ Laws need to change as these portable computers are being used at all the wrong times and these events are all too common!
I received a text today from one of our members, "Extremity". He asked me to tell acquaintances on the forum that he hasn't been on because he was rear ended by someone texting on their phone.

He's had 2 operations. He has a broken arm, broken and dislocated his wrist and torn the ligaments near his elbow on his right arm. He may loose some use of his right hand. He also suffered bruises.

Give a good thought, wishes and prayers for his speedy recovery. I got to know him and his grandmother a little when we were on the the phone doing some trouble shooting to get his bike running. :)

Cliff please send on my get well wishes, I hope he heals up soon.
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Thanks for the wishes, guys. Typing with just your left hand sucks.

The woman was texting but actually blew a red light and pulled right in front of me; I had about a second to react and saved myself from more injuries (at least Id like to think) but still ended up slamming head on into her drivers door. I flew about 12 feet into the air after "bouncing" off her car and ended up about 15 feet away.

I just found out from my lawyer that she had very minimal coverage and it is unlikely I will gt anything and may not even have all my medical bills covered.

Heres me on the ground waiting for the ambulance. You cant see every injury but you can definitely see one of the breaks in my arm.

Your right hand is painful to look at, I hate to imagine how it felt at the time. Thanks for posting, although it is very unfortunate for anyone to post crash threads, they can be very valuable in terms of reminding everyone the risk and the consequences, and what we can do as riders to minimize them, not just physically but financially.

Just shows how important it is to have underinsured insurance in the event you run into the drivers like you did. And make sure you have a enough coverage, rather than the minimum.