Forum software donation drive.


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May 8, 2008
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San Diego, Ca.
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I don't normally ask and I don't get a dime from this but here's how I think about the forum and it's members from Dennis (Admin and founder) to every member here.

Over the years social activity has waned mostly do to the FZ6 not being produced by Yamaha anymore but Dennis has kept this valuable forum together. Dennis has recently put up the money and time to up grade the forum and It's so much friendlier to use with my phone now. Although it may not be as socially active as it used to be it has and continues to provide a wealth of past experience of members/owners as well as continued support for new enthusiasts.
There are many members that continually try to help with their time and knowledge. No one pays them. It's part of their enthusiasm as motorcyclists. Some members continue here even though they don't ride the FZ6 anymore because this forum has had a unique membership from the beginning and some remain friends for good. These friendships span the globe! Some of us have never met each other except for here but we've become good friends. One year a member from Australia came here for a Vegas wedding and a few members here in the US. went to the wedding. We had a great time and are bonded for good.

For these reasons I ask that those of us visiting here, please make a small donation to offset costs for our founder and help to keep this forum healthy and active as the FZ6. This is a great bike and a great forum.

I would also like to thanks those that have already contributed.

Here's a link! :)

We're only 95 bucks short of our goal!
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Hey all, Denis does an amazing job keeping all of us up to speed with each other as a group. His work on this forum over the 9 years I have been a member has been wonderful.

While we take for granted that the interweb and Google is there for everyone all the time, the big companies douse us with ads and chase our searching patterns to find out every nuance of who we are and what we do.
Denis is kind of the equivalent but with none of the bad side of the web. The dealings I have had with Denis have always been really great and he hardly ever asks for recognition or assistance

This is def the best iteration of this site there has been. So if you can find a way to contribute that would be ace.
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Normally I would donate and honestly, I'm feeling a bit guilty about it.
We're expecting our first grandchild in April, so I'm saving up to spoil that boy rotten!