Freedom Cycle in Concord, NH


********* w/ Twisted Fate
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Mar 11, 2007
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Dover, NH
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I bought both my '08 FZ6 and the wife's '08 V Star 650 custom here. I have to say that regarding sales, dealing and price jockeying, they are outstanding and easy to work with.

HOWEVER, this is about their service department. And this... is the rest of the story.

Those in the know have read about the V Star front end issue. After getting back from TN with the bikes, I called and made an appt. for Friday knowing they were open late on Thursday. I left work a bit early Thurs and trailered her bike out to the shop. It's a little over an hour to get there. Dropped it off and the guy at the service desk finds my appt. and highlights it on the schedule meaning "Bike is here!" Cool! I tell the guy to call me when they know something on Friday and we will be out for their anniversary bash on Sat riding two-up so she can pick up her bike.

Skip to Friday... No call all day. They close at 6pm. I call at 4pm and get dumped to VM. Left a message. I call at 5pm and get a guy on the phone. He interrupts me and says "Can I have your name and number and I'll call you back before 6pm?" So I give him that. No call from them the rest of the day or evening.

Saturday... I wake up and my phone is off. Turn it on. No calls or voice mails. I call once, goes to VM, I call again... VM. I call a third time and instead of pressing 3 to get service, I start BANGING the 0 key until I get a live person. I talk to a lady and explain that I'd like to get a status on the bike. She forwards me out to the desk and runs out to be sure someone gets the call.

"Service, this is Tom." Got a live one! :steve:

I ask Tom about the bike. I get the wrong answer. They looked at it on Friday but because it was "raining" they didn't get to test drive it to feel the bouncing front end. So... First note: Do NOT bring a bike to this dealer for service is rain is forecast for the time it will be there. They DON'T diagnose in the rain. :eek: (They sell rain suits though!)

I get a little edge to my voice and ask why they don't have any idea what is wrong all because someone is afraid of the rain? Tom then tells me "Well Sir, the bike was dropped off unexpectedly without an appt. so we'll get to it when we can." :eek: :eek:

A brief moment of silence as the pressure starts building. Voice drops a couple octaves and I say a "bit loudly" into the phone, "I HAD an appt. I TOLD you I'd be out today to pick up the bike! I want to speak to the service manager!" :rant:

I get put on hold.... not briefly, but for almost 3 minutes.... This must be Tom on the other end talking to the manager and covering his arse. Meanwhile, Eric is starting to really stew!

"Service, can I help you?"

I tell the guy I am waiting for the service manager. He says "This is Aaron, I am the manager."

We go through all the details and he knows I am very upset with the whole process. He tells me that he will have a guy on it within 30 minutes and will call me within the hour to tell me something definite. I end the conversation with "Aaron, this is my FIRST service experience with Freedom Cycle and I have to admit, it has left a VERY sour taste in my mouth!" He apologized up and down and said I'd get prompt treatment. He also told me Tom was mistaken when he claimed I did not have an appt.

90 minutes pass. Every time I look at my watch and see that more than 60 minutes has passed, I get that adrenaline rush, the one that says "I need to physically hurt this guy!"

Aaron finally calls... "How are you?" I say "Feeling 2nd rate, neglected and impatient." May as well set the tone proper right up front and be honest.

He explains his findings... tells that story.

I put him on speaker so he can tell my wife the same. It's better she yells at him than at him THROUGH me as I try to explain it. At this point, I think Aaron would have given her the bike of her choice if he had that authority.

Aaron tells us he'll call us back before 4pm with the pricing for the two options listed in that other thread.

Do I really need to tell you that come 4pm, there wasn't a call? No call after 4pm either. Now, I'm far beyond upset and feeling lower than a slug's slime trail. I bought two brand new bikes from these folks and paid cash for both. This is the kind of service I get?

I'm sorry this is so long but I HAD to vent. Plus, I plan on using this very thread, preserved here, as my letter to both the owner of Freedom Cycle and Yamaha Corporate because treatment like this cannot go on without some recourse. If anything, I don't want this to happen to a SINGLE customer beyond myself. Totally unacceptable!

After I get the bike back, I'll start the whole complaint process with both parties. I'm sure I'll have a couple additions to this thread down the road.

For those that read this through, thanks for lending an eye. :Flash:
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sorry to hear that the service folks aren't holding up for you. I have only used them for ride in inspections which are never a problem. but i will definitely only use them for sales now, let me know how it turns out as this is my dealer of choice as well.
Wow, have you been getting better service on anything else? This type of treatment happens to me all the time. I bought a new 5th wheel camper, the rear axel was off by the time I got to the campground (only 20 miles)three weeks later, I'm just getting it back and the dealership doesn't see any problem with that! In the end, I hope they at least fix your problem
First update: Sunday morning I woke up and discovered a VM on my cell. I have no idea when Aaron called me but he apologized for being late with the call. He told me it would be $200 to change the fork oil only or $286 to change the oil and springs. :eek:

Skip to today: Aaron was to call Yamaha this AM to discuss replacing the wheel which he did but had to leave a VM himself. No call to me though as of 1:30 pm so I called him. (This is when he tells me that he left a VM with Yamaha) He tells me he will call them and get an answer and I will hear back from him within the hour. It is now 3:05 pm and still no call from him.

Eric is stewing again........ :rant:

Question? This is what I get for regular service. What if I'd bought extended service? Would I get extended wait times?

What bugs me the most is on EACH day, I have to be the one to initiate a call, to get someone on the phone and get answers. But each time I call, there are no answers, only a promise to get back to me within "X" time. Each promise has yet to be fulfilled.

I have a feeling the warranty might be up before I get her bike back.... and that's about 3 weeks away. :rolleyes:
Man, sorry to hear abut this. Like Rob, my Sv has only visited there for inspections, but I love their sales department. Good luck with the rest of this fiasco, I hope it is resolved shortly.
Sadly this is the "standard of excellence" that I have come to expect from dealers. Works the same way in the winter as in the summer. They work for whomever is the squeaky wheel that day. So be the squeaky wheel, 3 times a day, every day until your bike is back. If it wasn't for the occasional warranty work I would never bring my stuff in to them at all. It's never done right or on time.

Perhaps you should lower your expectations. <grin>
Thanks Keira, Jody, Chuck and Rob.

Here is another update for you all:

As expected, I did not get a call from them so at 5pm, I called Aaron. He asked me to hold. I held for about 3 minutes and he comes back and says "I don't want to keep you on hold. I am talking to Yamaha on the other line. that's who I was on with when you called." I'm thinking, "Yeah, right!" He probably called them right after I said "Hi, this is Eric Randall." Can you blame me for anything outside of sinical thinking at this point?

So, he says he'll call me back... I ask "When? I didn't get a call back any of the other days." He said he did call me on Saturday. I said before 4pm as promised? He said no, it was about 4:20 pm. I explained that I had left on my bike at 4pm. I didn't get the VM until Sunday morning. He said to give him 5 minutes.

For once, he held up a promise and in 5 minutes, I got a call back. He'd cleared it with Yamaha and they are going good on the front wheel and replacing it. It is being ordered tomorrow and, unfortunately, won't be in for 3 to 5 days. Michele is going to be upset to be without the bike for a week, possibly another weekend. I cannot blame her. This should have been all sorted out and decided on Friday when I had the appointment made.

Jody, I would lower my expectations if they didn't keep raising them. If he'd been up front from the start, if he'd told me I'd hear from him in the morning the next day rather than one hour and then wait for me to call.... I'm OK with being told, "Hey, we're swamped, short handed, etc... Is it OK for us to resolve this tomorrow?" But they didn't do that. It was always one hour, or by the end of the day... and they never kept their word. THAT is the aggravation that I feel.

The only reason it is there in the first place is because it is still under warranty and I knew this was a warranty repair. I do all my own mods, work and maintenance on both these bikes. Thankfully, the warranty is up on the V Star this month so I'm "free" to do what I deem necessary to make it a better bike. :D Next month, I'm dumping the oil from the forks and putting in heavier oil. If she still has any issues, I'll look into a heavier spring afterward. At least I won't have to drop the forks at that point.

After this is settled and I get the bike back, I intend to write this as a formal letter to the owner. I'm not looking for anything out of it for myself. I just want them to know what their customer endured to receive service, however poor it was. I want them to take a look at their customer service and insure that the next person doesn't receive the same treatment.

I can say that I didn't get this treatment at the closer dealer that I bought the '05 FZ6 from. Unfortunately, they were bought by the other local dealer who also gives poor customer service, not only in the service department but in sales as well.

They still have the best Sales department and financial folks though. I've got zero issues with those folks.
Sadly Eric your entire foray into the netherworld that is "customer service" is indicative of the "new retail" mentality. Simply put...Over promise and under deliver.
The local dealer up this way presents the same way, great on sales ( it's a large revenue generator) service is looked at as a necessary evil to a point. Sadly they seem to forget that great service leads to sales!

I, as a manager who deals with customer complaints on an almost daily basis try my best to always call back when I've promised, or if I won't be able to for whatever reason I say so!
Hope all goes well in the end.

Hope Michele can stand the wait to get her bike back on the road.
sucks.. but honestly.. seems to be the tune with "most" dealers.. only diference in mine is that the sale team sucks too... but wwhat can you do.. good to hear you didnt bother with teh extended warenty.. and once its out.. just find a local motorcycle shop to do the work.. going to have to pay for it anyways... good luck man..
I'm hearing a lot of "Sadly...." "Sucks...." "the way it is today..."

Perhaps if everyone took this approach and complained, and I don't mean sending a letter filled with vulgarity and threats, I mean seriously document the experience and give them constructive criticism on how they can improve, just maybe you can make a difference.

If everyone just sits back and accepts it, then terrible service is all people will receive.
Final update: They got the parts this morning and put the bike on the bench. I got another call this afternoon and the bike is fixed, tested, confirmed no wheel hop and the bill came to $0.00 for the fix. Yamaha took care of it all. So, we go tomorrow on my bike and pick up hers. Next week, I'm going to chronical the experience in the most polite and politically correct manner and forward it to the owner. I don't know what will become of it but I'll be satisfied in knowing I've done my part. I hope the next customer gets better treatment!

Thanks for reading along!
Great news finally...Michele must be excited (understatement) about getting her ride back. Post up the draft letter you intend to send, we'll revise it for you;) j/k. Hope they treat you better in the future.