FZ6 at KSU!!!

yea i dont really miss the low end too much....riding around cobb i take it easy cuz they are super a#@ho!3s
its not exactly straight piped....but its close,,, its hard to explain exactly how i did it without a visual....but i put screens in and partially blocked the left pipe since its more for looks anyway....
after wiring a whole car. the headlights are cake
theres a good how to on it here on the forum...
I love how it makes you twice as visible BUT since that I have gotten a stored "low voltage to the fuel injection system" code and stuttering on long rides, havent been able to trace the cause but two headlights and even as slight of a power draw sounds slightly suspect to me....
Are those resonators with tips welded on? If it is that was my very first plan I had. Either way that looks sweet
ya fully welded on the outside and just kinda tacked on the inside(as you can see) the honeycomb looking stuff is about an inch in diameter for both sides so I still get some backpressure. and yes, it is spray painted lol
Do you guys every get together and Ride? I live in the area Ive been looking for people to ride with on occasion.
nope, havent had time to get anything together yet.
hopefully sometime soon though, there are sooo many scheduling conflicts. I pretty much only have tuesday and thursday afternoons, and I dont usually ride up here if its rainin(like it has been for the last 3weeks :( )
as long as it doesnt rain I should have it up there monday, so maybe you can come take a look at it if you want. Im crazy busy during the week :( so idk about what time or when...
I think theres a few pics of the exhaust of chevy's and my bike around here somewhere.
lol sorry bout that. Lizzie thought it would be "cute". :disapprove:
she usually writes on my tank with an expo marker so be thankful it was a lame piece of masking tape :D

on an unrelated note....love the exhaust!!! the front fender sucks :(
and lastly (because Lizzie says so) we need "matching stickers to signify our biker gang".
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So what time do you think you'll be around there Monday. I only live about 4 or 5 miles from KSU. I could stop by at some point and check it out. It would be nice to meet some others with a FZ6. I've only seen one since I got mine back in December.
im at the school from 11 on all day monday lol, haha that would be tight! a couple days ago its was like 4 fz6's lined up looked awesome! the fender does suck waiting for that insurance money fingers crossed
Sweet. I might be able to come by before you head into class. Take an early lunch from work. It would be cool to see that many FZ6's together.
11 is my first class on monday/wednesdays but im in there SOLID till 4:45 then I usually go to the gym and if im lucky I can get dinner after lol
I usually only park in one of the parking decks if its gunna rain, otherwise it stays over at U.P. :D