HavBlue Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
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What do you do for a living?
Collect unpaid taxes and develop tax fraud cases for the IRS.

How long have you owned your FZ6?
3 years 11 months to the day.

What other modes of transport do you have?
8 bikes, 1 car and 1 Jeep.

If you could have any bike what would it be?
Aprilia 1000 R Factory

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
Drag boat racing, camping, tectonics, bio-evolution.

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
Bryce Canyon. Unbelievable geology.

Describe yourself in three words?
Have bikes, will travel. Oopps, that's 4.

If you could redesign any household (including garage) appliance what would it be and why?
The frig. It needs a button that says beer.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
The toothpick with the little umbrella. That dude made a fortune

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
Politicians that failed to represent all the people and their respective needs.

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?

Snow or beach?
Neither, I want the open desert.

Windows or Mac?
Is Hal available?

Is F1 actually racing? NASCAR

Which track or album rocks your boat?
Mike Oldfield and Tubular Bells.

What is your favourite film?
Always with Dreyfus

Meat or Veg?
Both, I want a California Taco

What is your favourite beverage?

And finally, your number one rule in life?
To live my life the way I want to live and to do the things I want to do without harming others, this is success.
Re: Interview HavBlue

Charlie rocks! California Tacos

Hey Pete, here in Kentucky they have for sh*t tortillas. The misses just got back from California and brought a case of them with her. We will be enjoying life for a while. I still haven't figured out how to get an In and Out burger flown in.
Re: Interview HavBlue

Great interview Charlie! Thanks for sharing!

What's in a California Taco for those of us not in-the-know? I like fish tacos and found the best ones in Waikiki, Oahu in a place called South Shore Grill. When we travel, we always ask the locals where THEY eat because its typically the best and least expensive food to go get. We've never been let down!
Re: Interview HavBlue

Hey Pete, here in Kentucky they have for sh*t tortillas. The misses just got back from California and brought a case of them with her. We will be enjoying life for a while. I still haven't figured out how to get an In and Out burger flown in.

Hey man have you been to Burgers on the Square in Franklin? One of my customers owns it. He was bitchen about not having a In and Out so he built a restaruant under his main business. I dont know if they got it right or not because I have never had one from InOut but they are damn good.
Re: Interview HavBlue

Nice one Charlie,

What is it with us all hating the fridge lol.

Re: Interview HavBlue

Hey Pete, here in Kentucky they have for sh*t tortillas. The misses just got back from California and brought a case of them with her. We will be enjoying life for a while. I still haven't figured out how to get an In and Out burger flown in.

Boy that is the truth. Here in Texas we have Tex-Mex, or as I like to call it, Tex-Mess. I prefer the western US Mexican to Gringoized Tex-Mess. To me Tex-Mex is like going to the grocery store, buying Old El Paso and having the nerve to call it Mexican food. That said there are parts of town that have some very good hole in the wall places, but the spices are different from Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California.

I just wish we had "In and Out" and "Carl's Jr." in Texas, I love the "Western Burger" from CJs, beef, bacon, cheese, onion rings and BBQ sauce, yummm!

I'll totally digress here. In 2005 we training with a Romanian Infantry Battalion in Romanian (go figure). I was the Brigade HHC 1SG then so the Company Commander and myself were responsible for hosting a "Texas Style" BBQ for 1,800 people! About 2 months before we left for Romanian I contacted Rudy's BBQ here in Austin and ask if they would donate enough rub and sause (they spell it with an "s" there) and they asked, "What else do you need?" I replied with, "Cooking instructions." So we got there and found that we have British cooks with Romanian help, a real challenge. So the CO and I showed them how to make smokers out steel drums, had about 10 made, showed them how to smoke and did a trial run. The day the event came we pulled it off with out a hitch and the Romanians love their first BBQ.

We also were "ordered" to provide three beers for each individual. Well we got an interpreter, went to Babadaq, a hole in the wall town near the training site, and asked at a local shop were they got beer. We figured it would be 100 miles away. Nope, go two blocks made a right, two blocks make a left, you can't miss it. We got there and found a warehouse with beer, booze, smokes and prono run by the local Mafia! We ordered "cold" beer (you can see this one coming) and the day before the event they delivered about 4,800 pint sized cans of Romanian and Dutch beer. So I opened the delivery truck the pungent wave of dead fish hit me! They went to the local fish processing plant, got a fish delivery truck loaded it the ice from the plant and put the hot beer on top! Once we unloaded the truck we had fish oil soaked into our uniforms, they never came clean. We put the hot beer in reefer truck and it cooled for the next day. Me and my old CO still get lots of laughs about that one.

Oh, we left two armed guards on that truck from the time we loaded until the event started.

Enough rambling, thanks for all of the great insight you add to the forum Charlie! :thumbup:
Re: Interview HavBlue

Oh, we left two armed guards on that truck from the time we loaded until the event started.

Hey Pete, was that enough guards?