Humour, Irish Style. Coming to you in America soon!!!


No Man is an Ireland.
Jul 25, 2007
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Republic Of Ireland
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Here in Ireland we get a great laugh out of making fun of other people. This isn't necessarily vendictive but my god is it funny. There is a programme here in Ireland called "naked camera" which is making its way to you unsuspecting Americans soon...reason why its going to america is because all the irish on the island of ireland and possibly most people in Europe already know the identity of this person and will stay well clear of him!! Not because he is dangerous or scary...but simply he'll make a show of you and take you for a good "ride"...haha..I've put up a few videos here that I got off youtube. Take a shouldn't be disappointed. One word of warning...there is alot of cursing (the irish are unfortunately renouned for using the F word like there is no tomorrow!!!)

This one features a man called George Hook (passenger). He's well known here in ireland for being involved in sports commentary on the tv and radio. The driver is the main star and maker of the show...who is posing as a taxi driver!!! George Hook does NOT know this guy is a comedian!!

[ame=""]YouTube - George Hook on Naked Camera[/ame]

And the next victim is Don Baker!!

[ame=""]YouTube - Don Baker on Naked Camera[/ame]

The next victim (absolute prat) is Tommy Gorman who works for the Taxi Drivers Union of Ireland!!!. Just so you know the Daíl is the Irish Government Building which is located in the heart of the city. The Taxi is going in the opposite direction towards the Irish presidents house...

[ame=""]YouTube - Tommy Gorman on Naked Camera[/ame]

Here's one I've never seen before!! Its the same guy from the Taxi, but a different character!!!

[ame=""]YouTube - Exclusive Jake Stevens - Get the message muppet[/ame]

This is him being "english" haha....classic:

[ame=""]YouTube - Naked Camera - English Tourist & Dublin Paper Man[/ame]

Again, the strange paper yielding whistler wanting to move house:

[ame=""]YouTube - Jake Stephens moving house[/ame]

My favourite one:

Mind the language!! This is the same GUY that is featured in all the others dressed up as a dirty old woman who is obsessed with sex and getting off with younger men:

[ame=""]YouTube - Naked Camera Dirty Oul One in Chipper[/ame]

Hope you enjoyed that...Americans beware...he's in America now making his next show!!!

And of course, nobody can put up this type of humour without mentioning "Father Ted", a show made here in Ireland about priests!!! One drunk priest, one stupid priest and one normal (sane) priest.


Going to america:

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Father Ted - Going to America 1[/nomedia]

Classic Fr. Ted video:

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Father Ted part 2[/nomedia]

Conclusion of last video:

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Father Ted 3[/nomedia]
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I think he has!!! Trust me....the Americans I have seen in his show so far dont hold back with their insults!!

Cant wait until it comes on the tv! :)
Seems a lot like the Jamie Kennedy Experiment.

Though I have to say that my favorite two things out of Ireland would have to be the way they eat chips (french fries) with malted vinegar, and red heads:D:thumbup:
Seems a lot like the Jamie Kennedy Experiment.

Though I have to say that my favorite two things out of Ireland would have to be the way they eat chips (french fries) with malted vinegar

You may be just slightly getting mixed up there with us and England!! The British are the ones who invented greasy chips served with salt and vinegar in a newspaper cover!!! :)

O that jamie kennedy is brilliant!!! Never heard of him before..gonna spend hours watching his videos now!!!
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You may be just slightly getting mixed up there with us and England!! The British are the ones who invented greasy chips served with salt and vinegar in a newspaper cover!!! :)

Now my friend, you are slightly confused as to the culinary delights of the chip. We did eat them in news paper. However, that practice was banned in 1985 due to food hygine legistlation.

In all fairness the Irish have embraced the chip easily on an equal par with us English. My delightful sister-in-laws took my wife and I to lovely indian restaurant in the new year. They both ordered chips instead of rice. Whats that all about lol. Oh the shame of it...
You may be just slightly getting mixed up there with us and England!! The British are the ones who invented greasy chips served with salt and vinegar in a newspaper cover!!! :)

Now my friend, you are slightly confused as to the culinary delights of the chip. We did eat them in news paper. However, that practice was banned in 1985 due to food hygine legistlation.

In all fairness the Irish have embraced the chip easily on an equal par with us English. My delightful sister-in-laws took my wife and I to lovely indian restaurant in the new year. They both ordered chips instead of rice. Whats that all about lol. Oh the shame of it...

Haha, my bad!! I have to say that I have been served chips in brand spanking new paper...the same size as a newspaper...without print! :)

And yes..chips are yummy...I love my potato!!! :rockon::thumbup: