New Site Feature - facebook style Instant messaging program

One more problem Dennis, if a post has photo attachments, and the photo's are large-ish(sp??), then the bar at the bottom hides the buttons to see the "next" or "previous" photo's.

Only a minor problem, no real drama's.

hate to pull up an old thread, but i still dont have it working in underground style. i have logged in and out and no still no workie... i have also cleared my cookies and such (they were yummy)
this doesnt work for me. and i have some friends online right now. i cant message anyone there is nothing new anywhere that i can see. screenshots might help but i see nothing.

EDIT: it works now!! I had to go to that part of the user control panel thing you linked to and hit submit changes even tho the box already said "yes" to begin with. weird. now it works tho this is awesome!!

wow man. hats off admin you really do go the extra mile for this place. it rocks. never will any other FZ forum (or even other moto forum come close to what this place is.
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Help! I went to user CP, edit options, chose yes, still don't see the "bar at the bottom of the page that says who's online..."

Just to help out, I think (from my dodgey memory) that "yes" is selected as default, but you need to click on "yes" again and then update your details to make the toolbar appear.

Enjoy :rockon: