Paint Headers


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Oct 5, 2009
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Long Island, NY
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I painted my headers flat black VHT flameproof 2000 degree paint. I must say this is an easy mod and gives instant gratification. All told materials were about $12.
Could not find primer so I winged it. 1 can paint: $8.50 400 grit sandpaper: $4

Hoshiko gives a nice writeup on how this done so I won't go into it much. read about it here:

I felt the muddy brown appearance of the stock pipes really detracted from the looks of the bike. The flat black color is really stealthy looking and blends well with the black colored motor.

It's a mod you can do in a couple of hours if you take your time.

I opted to heat cycle the paint while installed on the bike. I could only imagine my wife's reaction if I were to bake the header in the oven and judging by the amount of smoke these things put off during the first heat cycle, I made the right choice.

Edit: Before applying paint, after sanding, I always wipe down with liberal amounts of paint thinner. Seems to work well in removing oil, dirt and contaminents.
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looks very good! im wanting to do this on my fz and zrx. my question is about long term durability...will debris kicked up from front wheel nick the finish, or will it hold up well over time?
Time will tell. For the low cost and ease of doing this mod I thought I would just do it for fun. I removed the header to paint it but the really vulnerable spots (front of downtubes) can be repainted/touched up while on the bike.
looks very good! im wanting to do this on my fz and zrx. my question is about long term durability...will debris kicked up from front wheel nick the finish, or will it hold up well over time?

Mine still look good, I did use primer and I have the fender extender too so that help with the debree stuff.
Hoshiko gives a nice writeup on how this done so I won't go into it much. read about it here:
I opted to heat cycle the paint while installed on the bike. I could only imagine my wife's reaction if I were to bake the header in the oven and judging by the amount of smoke these things put off during the first heat cycle, I made the right choice.
:D I can still see my wife's face, she didn't say anything but that face made me feel like a little boy feels when gets caught "decorating" the home walls with a crayon. (I know because I was there too) :spank:
Wouldn't it last longer and be tougher if it was powder coated?

If you want to send the header out and have it done, I am pretty sure ceramic coating would be the way to go. Powder coating may withstand some heat but I don't think it could handle the 500+ degrees generated by the header.
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I read about "Jet- Hot" they can coat headers in diff colors and it is onthe inside to. I think it has a 3yr warranty, $200.-$300