Quick Question About Starting My FZ6


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Jan 3, 2016
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Austin, Texas
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Hey All!

Long story short (that most of you probably saw) jay walker ran me off the road, so bike is smashed up and in need of repairs. I'm making it naked, so please feel free to contribute your advice and wisdom to my post about it here http://www.600riders.com/forum/fz6-...conversion-help-wanted-needed.html#post624745

I had a quick question-I foolishly didn't even try starting it when I get it back, because the right side controls were completely bashed it and I had no starter. I already unplugged the electrical (headlights, horn, etc). Is there any way to check if it'll roll over? Should I just buy new right controls and install them, and see if it'll start. I don't wanna do all of this conversion work just to find out the bike is busted on the inside in some serious way. Lemme know!

Denis Z.
As long as the kill switch circuit is completed and you have an ignition switch you should be able to start the bike by jumping across the starter relay contactor assembly. That contactor/starter relay assembly is located on top of the battery. the throttle assembly should be closed if you have the throttle control cables detached. Another thing to think about is old fuel in the bike if it's been sitting for a while.
I do have a question.... How fast was that jaywalker walking to run you off the road!?
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As long as the kill switch circuit is completed and you have an ignition switch you should be able to start the bike by jumping across the starter relay contactor assembly. That contactor/starter relay assembly is located on top of the battery. the throttle assembly should able to closed if you have the throttle control cables detached. Another thing to think about is old fuel in the bike if it's been sitting for a while.
I do have a question.... How fast was that jaywalker walking to run you off the road!?

Thanks for the info!

So I was riding to work on this decently windy road. I was leaning through a big curve when a 69 y.o. (only found out after through insurance) ran across 5 lane road to get to his car on the other side. He saw me appear in the corner as I saw him, and instead of stopping halfway or going back, he pulled the classic "squirrel in the road" move-He stuttered, and mustered up all of his speed to finish crossing. I stood the bike up, slammed on the brakes, and had a trajectory towards a parking lot. I hit a curb, went down on my right side, and my beautiful FZ6 stood up on its nose and came down on it's ride side in a slide as well.

As I'm getting ready to get back on my FZ6, I'll definitely look into advanced course. Part of me feels like I could have avoided it, by swerving around him. It's just, making those decision all split second, I didn't know if I was gonna collide and kill an old guy by following through, or kill myself by swerving into the parking lot on the right (and maybe hitting a car or a tree or the building).

All-in-all I definitely have more skill to gain. Thankfully I was fully geared outside of armored pants, and that was where my body took the most damage. I also just wasn't expecting a jaywalker in a 5 lane road, when there's literally a crosswalk two minutes down the road (walking). I was very upset about the whole thing initially, but alas, life goes on!
I'd like to add you have the Tip Over Switch located under the right side cover (POD) would have killed your engine immediately.

I'm assuming the right side cover is ok and nothing under there is damaged.

The engine, should be fine (unless you cracked a case), but as Cliff noted, dump or siphon the old fuel out.

IMO, the bikes getting fixed anyway, I'd put the new controls on anyway, check the battery while under the tank (and probably charge it), etc..
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Sorry to hear about a riding going down. Glad you are both coming back for more.

In this area it's pretty much the norm to expect something to be in the road. Granted one would like to think everything will always go to plan and be eventless, but I certainly don't count on it.

In every day riding I look at it as if, if this happens, what am I going to do?
Dear and people are very unpredictable. Expect the unexpected and place yourself somewhere safe...
Practice panic stops and swerves to build that muscle memory to point that you don't have to think and its automatic. It really promotes a better outcome when the unexpected happens!
Sorry to hear about a riding going down. Glad you are both coming back for more.

In this area it's pretty much the norm to expect something to be in the road. Granted one would like to think everything will always go to plan and be eventless, but I certainly don't count on it.

In every day riding I look at it as if, if this happens, what am I going to do?
Dear and people are very unpredictable. Expect the unexpected and place yourself somewhere safe...
Practice panic stops and swerves to build that muscle memory to point that you don't have to think and its automatic. It really promotes a better outcome when the unexpected happens!

Definitely agreed! Lots of reading and additional coursed will be had to make sure I'm in the best possible position (no pun intended) when I ride. Thanks for the feedback!
I'd like to add you have the Tip Over Switch under the right mole which would have killed your engine immediately.

I'm assuming the RS Mole is ok and nothing under there is damaged.

The engine, should be fine (unless you cracked a case), but as Cliff noted, dump or siphon the old fuel out.

IMO, the bikes getting fixed anyway, I'd put the new controls on anyway, check the battery while under the tank (and probably charge it), etc..

What exactly is an RS Mole? I did some digging and the only thing I could find was in relation to the plastics around the headlights. Either I found the wrong thing, or I'm misunderstanding why it's important.

Also, best/safes way to charge/jump my battery?
RS, right side,

My boo, I meant to write, side "pod" in your case. The TOS is under there along with some fuses.

(There is a mole,(as you've found) part #8: Yamaha Motorcycle Parts 2007 FZ6 - FZS6W COWLING 1 Diagram which I messed up (brain fart), sorry for the confusion.).

The Tip Over switch is under the right side "POD", AKA "side cover" Part #4 :
Yamaha Motorcycle Parts 2007 FZ6 - FZS6W SIDE COVER Diagram Below pic is the right side "pod" or cover.

Re jumping. You can use an automotive battery (12 volts) direct to your battery BUT the DONOR VEHICLE should NOT BE RUNNING It can be done with the fuel tank raised, just make sure your vent line doesn't kink
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