The cold feet tour (Kouwepotentocht) 2007/2010 Holland


Euro Mod
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Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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This coming saturday the "other half" has kindly given me a "day pass" to get out and meet other people.
I'm taking part in the Promotor (motorbike magazine) cold feet tour (kouwe potentocht). It's going to be a "home game" for me as it's taking place in my province (county).

Unfortunately the weather forecast is not too hot, they say it's going to rain and be between 0 and 8 degrees C. I should have sorted out that winter jacket already :(

Well here's the link for anyone who speaks Dutch ;) :

And Mike I don't want to hear you say "what are cold feet" ;)

Anyone else off on a trip soon?
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Nothing at 0c that sound like a rough day for motorcycling. LOL
Hope you enjoy.
The cold feet tour (Kouwepotentocht) 2010

This coming saturday I'm going to be doing the kouwepotentocht again, this time it is also in my province of North Holland but we're also going Island hopping (to Texel).
We start off with coffee and apple pie in Camperdown (kamperduin where a famous sea battle took place). We get a nice cup of soup on the former Island of wieringen.

Then we take the ferry to Texel. Afterwards at the lighthouse we get a plate of stampot with smoked sausage.

The weather forecast is not too bad, a slight chance of rain but mainly dry :thumbup:

Of course if anyone wants to join me .....
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Sounds like a good days riding. and eating
Hope you get a good turn out for it.

cheers, well it's only 240km's but there's some pretty good food by the sounds of it :D

Last time I did this it was just as much about the social aspect as enjoying the ride (and the food) I'm really looking forward to it :thumbup:
Well at that temperature and in the rain the 240 km might prove a kind of challenge anyway that wouldn't be for everybody... kind of an endurance thing.

bet the bike will need a good wipe down afterwards.
you should definitely get your gear sorted. :thumbup:
Well at that temperature and in the rain the 240 km might prove a kind of challenge anyway that wouldn't be for everybody... kind of an endurance thing.

bet the bike will need a good wipe down afterwards.
you should definitely get your gear sorted. :thumbup:

Well I ride all year around (except in snow and ice), When I did it first time it was pretty cold but I didn't have heated grips then :thumbup:

My first post was in 2007 and I have (long since) bought new riding gear :thumbup:

My bike is almost always dirty as I ride most days :(.

I'm looking forward to what I think is my last long ride this year :thumbup:
Well the day started with blue skies at home, and it was a nice (short) ride to the cafe in the dunes at camperduin. It was really busy when I arrived, but when I finally made it through the door I was rewarded with a long sleeved T-shirt and a token for a nice cup of coffee and apple pie mmm...
This photo shows the seaside side of the cafe but the car park on the other side was chockablock full with bikes.

Stopped off at the wooded dunes in Schoorl, where we often take our kids to play (it looks like they're preparing for christmas already :rolleyes:).


The route was well planned to include some nice twisties but at the moment many of the late veg are being harvested so some of the roads were covered in clay, at one stage I even had to duck to avoid a big clump that had been thrown up by the bike in front, and I wasn't that close :eek:

We then arrived at the soup tent in Den Oever which was at the end of the harbour. Where we all had a hearty thick pea soup with sliced smoked sausage which had been heated up on large camping stoves followed with a gevulde koek (cake/pastry filled with almond spice). Here I had a chat with a couple of people I had riden with 3 years ago.



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We then headed for Den Helder to catch the ferry to Texel. I stopped off at the Navy museum for an extra pic as it was on the way and I was a bit early for the ferry.


I then joined the bikes in the queue for the ferry, the ferry went every hour but the problem with the timing of the ride was that a couple of the ferry crossings were full with bikes, you really had to be careful when boarding as there were so many bikes and it is a roll on roll off ferry so we all had to load up really quickly.


The motorbikes were parked in "corridors" on either side of the boat.


We then rode a scenic route around the island ending up at the lighthouse at C0cksdorp (on the other end of the island.



And then we had a nice hearty meal at this restaurant.


I then headed back to the ferry for the ride home. It was a great day out, chating and riding with many people, and the sun even came out at lunch time :thumbup:. I'm tired now so please excuse me while I crash ;)
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