Twin Star



I bought a 4 channel Multiplex Twin Star (with a 56" wingspan) about a year ago and we just finished putting it together over the weekend and was ready to be maidened on Sunday. I didn't think it would fly, it felt really heavy and didn't feel like the motors could pull it.

We checked the CG and it was tail heavy and ended up adding about 7oz. of weight, to the nose. Danny threw it up AND.......IT FLEW!!! It flew REALLY well....very easy to control. I flew it til the battery was dead, then landed it nicely (belly lander). I got 2 good flights out of it and then Danny wanted to fly it. So, he's flying for about 5 minutes or so and I decide to get one last flight in before the battery goes dead. I take over the controller as the wind starts picking up. The wings start flexing and the plane is getting harder to control. I bank it around to come in for a landing and I'm about 10 feet off the ground (mistake number one), I didn't use elevator as I banked around, so now the plane is turning, but diving (mistake number 2). Now the wind is forcing the plane down. I pull back on the elevator and :eek: "oh sh*t" !BANG!, nose first, right into the ground! Damage: The plane is trash...the whole front half of the plane blew apart, the wires got ripped out of the receiver and bent the pins. The plane cost me $40, but that's not counting all the guts to the plane (about $150). Oh well, what can you do?!?!

Soooooo, I have my eye on the Twin Star II. :D
ya that was a rough day at the field, between that, my Dads plane and my J-3 it was an expensive weekend.
OH SNAP that sux! sorry to hear, i havent flown once this year, i gotta knock the cobwebs off the HECKLER.
Got a Cadet Senior with .46 4 stroke that I did the Quinn conversion on to add ailerons, took most of the dihedral out of the wing, but with a 14" chord it is still quite stable and a real floater
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