Wake Up!!!


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2007
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Georgia, U.S.A.
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ZZZZZ.....ZZZZZZ.....ZZZZ......"WAKE UP!!!!!" Screams my wife. "Somebody's trying to break into our garage!" :eek: Without hesitation I leap out of bed, run to the closet and retrieve my 9mm Glock and head for the kitchen door that leads to the garage. As I'm troting through the hallway doing my best Rambo/Chuck Noris impression,my wife says " It just came up and I think I heard someone!" I get to the door and I can tell the garage is open and it shouldn't be. Preparing myself to blast anything that moves,I give the light switch a few flicks hopeing it may startle the would be burgler and fling the door wide open with a ferocious AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: ...........................Nothing......... I look around and everything is fine. I come back into the house and my wife in tears asks"What was it?" I tell her I don't know but everything seems to be fine now.
As we walked into the living room, my wife still crying from being so terrified and me scratching my head I asked "Where were you at when the garage door came up?" She replied "In the kitchen. I heard the garage door start coming up so I ran back to the bedroom to wake you up." I asked "What were you doing in the kitchen?" She says" I was getting makeup out of my purse so I could get ready for work." She is still shaking from the event. I walk into the kitchen and look into her purse and what do I see laying next to the makeup bag in her purse. THE GARAGE DOOR OPENER. I walk back into the living room and ask with a smile on my face" Do you think you may have hit the garage door opener when you were digging through you purse?" She stops crying and shaking, gives me a blank look and says "I forgot about puting it in my purse yesterday.":eek: We both burst out into laughter and give a sigh of relief.:p I love my wife, she gives me so many funny stories to tell.
LOL that is pretty funny.
Glad to know another citizen that can defend their own family. Good on ya.
thats funny :D ,I had something similar happen once. I was sleeping,I awoke hearing someone yell and saw a shadow standing in my bedroom doorway.being still half asleep I reached over to my wifes side of the bed and felt someone there!! instantly I screamed "ahhhh who's there" as I was starting to jump out of bed. the person in the doorway screamed "ahhhhhhh" back at me,I yelled again moving closer to the door now ready to smash the intruder. the person in the doorway started crying as the bedroom light turned on,I started laughing realizing the person in the doorway was my wife,and my weapon of opportunity was a pillow. it turns out my daughter got in bed with us sometime after I fell asleep.:D
thats funny :D ,I had something similar happen once. I was sleeping,I awoke hearing someone yell and saw a shadow standing in my bedroom doorway.being still half asleep I reached over to my wifes side of the bed and felt someone there!! instantly I screamed "ahhhh who's there" as I was starting to jump out of bed. the person in the doorway screamed "ahhhhhhh" back at me,I yelled again moving closer to the door now ready to smash the intruder. the person in the doorway started crying as the bedroom light turned on,I started laughing realizing the person in the doorway was my wife,and my weapon of opportunity was a pillow. it turns out my daughter got in bed with us sometime after I fell asleep.:D

That would blow my mind if that happened to me.LOL Wifes, God love'em.:)