Well, it's official, the fz6 is the only one for me.


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
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Well, today i decided i'd drop by a local motorcycle shop near Rochester, and look at a couple of the bikes I've been looking at. I walked in and a couple of kids were looking at a Yzf 600r right next to an fz6, so i wandered around looking at other bikes i'd seen online that i was considering while waiting for them to leave. first thing that caught my eye was a klr 650, which i hadn't really been considering because i have an off roader i kind of wanted a dedicated road bike not a dual sport, still, it caught my eye and i soon found myself considering it. Next i noticed there was another FZ6 over in the corner, so i wandered over that way, and boy, every time i look at it I find myself adoring it more and more. I drooled over it for a good 5-10 minutes, then another bike i wanted to look at caught my eye, the Kawasaki Versys... It's actually a much better looking bike in person (pics don't do it justice) it looks very nice but then, next thing i know, i'm staring at the fz6 again. It's just such a good looking bike imo, and you can tell Yamaha used they're science boffins to build it, it just looks sleek, well built, and most importantly- different. Anyways i wandered away, looked at a v-max (wishful thinking) saw a bike a didn't recognize and walked over to it, it was a FZ8 and man thats another good looking bike. But being my first bike i don't really want to over do it and i don't see myself outgrowing the fz6 for some time...anywho, i then found myself looking at a different fz6 (i believe this one was used if only slightly, as it had an inspection sticker on it, maybe just for test ride use) it was on this bike i noted just how big that back tire/tyre is, you know when somethings got somethin that fat on the back it isn't messing around :thumbup: I glanced at the fz6r because due to my consignment issues ( will explain in a minute) i was considering it. Its another good looking bike but it was sitting next to a ninja r and i couldn't help but notice how alike they look, if i saw the two on the road next to each other idk if i'd be able to tell which was which, plus it was being shadowed by the new FZ6 i was looking at at first, and like before i found myself back looking/drooling at that one. So anyways my cosigner decided there should be a HP limit to which he will cosign, 80, so when i brought up the fz6 is was out of the question, but... after this visit i think even if i have to wait a bit longer for a bike because i have to pay by myself, it'll be worth it. i just see any other bike being a disappointment, not performance wise but just knowing the fz6 is out there without my arse on the seat when it could have been, there really is an "x factor" with the fz6, something you can't put your finger on but makes it special, stand out. Therefore whatever it takes, I think the FZ6 is the bike for me, keep watch for pics this spring/summer :thumbup:
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I agree, believe me, the day i get it im gonna wash it polish it and take about 100 pics an post an album :rockon: