What kind of music do you listen?


Mar 28, 2007
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Do you listen music while working or surfing on the net? And do you have a favourite band or artist?

As I have now spend a lot of "quality time" with my computer, I have almost all the time some music playing on the background.

I like to listen rock, metal and alternative music. Of the foreign bands my favourites at the moment are The Offspring, Green Day and Linkin Park. And lately I've been listening a lot of Evanescence too. Of the Finnish bands I like Kotiteollisuus and especially Viikate.

I know this is not quite allowed, but here's a link to a music video of Viikate:
[nomedia]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83xjmFQQSRk[/nomedia] The video is a joke and not to be taken seriously. It's dedicated to a Finnish comic actor/artist who died a while ago.
Ryan Adams, not brian Ryan.
Norah Jones
Queens of the stone age.
Stuff like that.
That made me laugh. The dancing cowboys, and the heavy metal banjo are funny. I dont understand what they were saying but the music is cool.
Im a metal fan but older stuff Guns n Roses Ozzy... ect.. but like alot of the new stuff.. I also really like Jeremy Camp....

Yesterday, after 50 miles of singing Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy which was playing in my head, I started seriously thinking about getting a mp3-player. It would hugely improve the range of music on my driving trips. 'Cause to be honest, there aren't too many song that I can sing straight through. Only the choruses. -> Boring!

If I could place the earphones somewhere inside the helmet and not in my ears, I could listen to the music and at the same time hear the traffic around me. Hmm, maybe it would work.

PS. Have you ever tried whistling inside your helmet? The sound multiplies nicely.

PPS. Yes, I do listen country music every once in a while. :eek:
I have an IPOD.. I recomment one... a bit more money but worth it.. I used mine on a few rides the earbuds didnt bother me with my helmet on But......................... the music made me ride faster more agresively lol... But it was havey tunes.... Maybe gotta use Enya on the rides lol...
But seriously.. Ipod.. and Itunes only works with ipods.... Get a 2GB Mini....

Here I go again. Same song playing in my head for too long. Yes, you can sing christmas carrols in May. How pathetic is that?

I went to see some iPods last week. But the thing is, I don't like that the battery is not changeable. It wears out in couple of years and then I would have to send it to Apple to be replaced. And wouldn't even get my own player back. What's the point?

Some other mp3-players have changeable batteries but they lack other nice qualities that iPod has. Which one to choose, that is the question.
Ipod is worth it. It is head and shoulders above the rest.
Alyssa has a Toshiba 40gig,
Haily, and Justin both have RCA lyras.
My friend brings his somekind of something over here so I can figure out how to make it work.
Ipod is seamless and self expanitory.

On the songs in your head.
I made up all kinds of crazy songs the other day.
One about a guy that was too cool to wave cause he has a chopper. I made my voice sound like Peter (the dad) from Family guy.
One about a dead ground hog on the side of the road, that went on till a cardinal barely missed my helmet, then I tried to make a song for it, but no dice.
So back to the chopper guy song. I got ah chopper, ooooohhhh, choppers rule, I got ah chopper, I'm to cool. I got ah chopper, ooooohhhh, choppers rule, I'm to cool for you.
on and on and on and on. It was funny, but I know that I am insane as well.

Then Doubting Thomas by Nickelcreek played in my head forever.

I sing Chritmas carols, and all kinds of weird stuff. I dont know why I didnt bring the ipod. I rode from here to the Daniel Boone national forest. 306 miles. Left at 5:45 am back just before noon. It was a blast.

It would be nice if I was normal, but then I would need to get all new friends.
I got ah chopper, ooooohhhh, choppers rule, I got ah chopper, I'm to cool. I got ah chopper, ooooohhhh, choppers rule, I'm to cool for you.
*trying to stop laughing and get up from the floor*

And I thought I was the only one with weird tentencies to babble and make new songs. :D
I wish you could of seen this guy, He was like, I see you, but I am pointedly not going to wave at you because I am riding a chopper. I have no helmet, no gloves, a black t-shirt, jeans and boots on. I am a rebel.

Anyway it was hillarious to me. I had already put in over 200 miles, I knew he could at most ride that bike for 50 a day. No suspension. LOL

Here is the song that kept running thru my head. It is a great song if you like that sort of thing.
I listen to just about everything except hard core gangsta rap. Just can't get into slap'n hoe's and blast'n my gat if you know what I mean.:D
I know what you mean. It's usually the younger chopper riders that have to keep their hands glued to thier ape hangers. The older bikers usually throw out a hand, at least around here they do. Motorcycle cop's are the worst, yet I did get a head nod from one yesterday.
Alas, I am a country girl... Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, etc.
I have the pink iPod Nano, not brave enough to wear it in my helmet yet. I may wear it in one ear to try it out...not sure. How long do you think it will be before they put out a iHelmet =) But, I guess they are getting ready to make it illegal up here...thats a bugger.
I guess I am lucky. The cops around here are mostly cool. Especially the motocops.
The Deputy Sheriff, (really cool guy) has a 2007 black harley police bike he gets to ride. He came by to serve Tiff a summons for some insanity in Texas. They cant find her sister, they cant find her sisters boyfriend, so they summon her to contact her sister? It was sorta bizzare. Anyway, he rides up, all proud. It was great. We talked bikes for a while then he had to go.
Well, didn't get me an iPod. I bought a Creative Zen V plus. It has 4 GBs, FM radio, video function and a microphone for recording speech. And hopefully it plays music too! LOL That's why I got it in the first place. The earphones needs changing though. I don't think they will fit inside my helmet. In the same store there were a set of earphones that looked great. They were like earplugs with sound system. But the price made me think that they weren't that good after all...

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I'll go for a drive and test the player. I got the whole day tomorrow because it's a national holiday. Wheee!

OT. Had someone put a whole watermelon in the water?!? (in that video)
Yeah people do that over here. It gets them cold and you can eat it around a fire in the evening.
I hope you get a lot of use out of the Zen. I dont know hardly anything about them.

Aerostitch has helmet speakers that go inside the helmet. I think that is what I am going to get next. The earphones pull out to easy and it aggravates me. LOL
No regrets so far, the player seems to be working fine. I managed to get some music in it and had it playing for a few hours while driving. I definitely need new earphones, the sound disappears when going over 50 mph. Maybe I will have to buy those plug-type earphones I mentioned earlier.

Well, this is surely an improvement to the music range on my driving trips. But I wonder what it looks like to any outsiders when I'm swaying and tapping with the music... :p
They already think your crazy, a little swaying and tapping isnt going to change much. LOL