Windy ride in this morning.


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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What a ride into work this morning, it was blowing a gale. Just to make things extra wild a lot of rain thrown in for good measure.
As you can imagine Holland doesn't have much cover in the form of hills & mountains to take the sting out of it. I had to really lean into the wind blowing from the North West, just when I got it balanced right a truck would pass me in the other direction, (on my windward side) throwing me off balance.
The closer I got to my work the more exposed it got (I work on the coast), making things even more exciting.
I must admit it was quite good fun but you had to keep your wits about you, especially as there were plenty of strewn twigs/sticks on the road.

At my work I could see the full blown storm as I look out over the water, it was wild.

Apparently today the tide was at its highest in several years (3.5 meter above the average height), and then with the waves to boot it was really impressive.

Well at least it was enviromentally friendly with all the recently built wind-parks around this area.;)

Unfortunately the ride home was much calmer, it had dropped to a strong wind.

I heard that the UK was going to get some of it as well, how did it go over there.
were you on shift Johnathan?
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Where I live in Idaho it's about 85% mountains. Unfortunately I live in an 85 mile wide valley (Treasure Valley). The winds come down the mountain slopes smack dab onto where I live and commute. Summertime gusts are 30-40 MPH daily and always a cross-wind it seems. Not bad once you get used to it and it keeps the tires wearing pretty evenly. Not much rain here but when it does it adds to the fun:D
Awesome pics Mike! I stop I live about a half mile from the gas station with the dinosaur (Sunset C). Let me know if you're out this way again.