

It's My Bike!
Jan 26, 2009
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Albany, NY
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A couple of weeks ago I went to a breakfast meeting with the local chapter of Women on Wheels. I am joining and was wondering if any other members here also belonged to Women on Wheels. If so, what do you like about the club?
I also went to a recent WoW meeting for the first time! I met a few of the members late last season, and was invited to tag along to some get-togethers over the winter.
I went to the first meeting I could, which was April 30th. It was very nice to meet some more female riders, as there are not too many of us around! :D
I plan on going on the May 16th ride (there is a planned ride twice a month) and then will decide if I want to join. (I am 99% sure that I will!)
Do they have a website? I am sure that Keira would be interested in a group like this in our area, if it exists...
Thanks ladies.....don't know if I'm into the whole club thing, but I'll definitely check it out. Might be a good way to meet other female riders in NH
Thanks ladies.....don't know if I'm into the whole club thing, but I'll definitely check it out. Might be a good way to meet other female riders in NH

I searched for a local sportbike forum here to join. And if that doesn't work out...I always have my husband to ride with!
WoW's yearly "rally" called the "Ride In" is going to be in Stratton, VT this year. I guess that's the closest it's ever been in the Northeast. Unfortunately it is during the week (July 6-8) so I don't think I will be able to go.

I was/am also looking for other women to ride with and thought this would be a good opportunity. I wanted to attend a meeting AND take a ride with them before I joined. I think both are important because in the meeting you get a feel of what the club is about, personalities and the group dynamics. During the ride I got to see how the leader would handle the group and the group riding dynamic. I liked what I saw and a couple of the women were very friendly, I even went back to one woman's house for lunch!

I would research clubs in your area and then contact them to attend a meeting and a ride. I am sure that all area clubs are different in their dynamics so you would want to check it out first.

I'm not much of a "joiner" and I don't usually like group dynamics but this group does seem like a good mix of women and I like their camaraderie.
Thanks ladies.....don't know if I'm into the whole club thing, but I'll definitely check it out. Might be a good way to meet other female riders in NH

That is exactly why I looked into it, Keira!
Nothing against the forum guys, but last season my husband was quite leery of me going off to meet up with some guy(s) I met online for a ride!! :BLAA:
I decided to see if there was a group that catered to female riders, and came across WoW. I have met some very nice women that are members of the group (over the winter). Even if I decide NOT to join WoW, I have some like minded women to go riding with on occasion.
They do a lot of non-WoW rides, too. A month ago, a few of us rode over to meet up with another lady that was going through chemo and couldn't ride as far as we could. We had lunch with her, went on a little ride with her, then headed back home. It was a very pleasant day, and she had a GREAT time getting out for a while. :thumbup:
I am part of a group called southern cruisers. I had never heard of WOW so I will have to check it out. What I like about the cruisers is that they don't care if your a man, woman, or what type of bike you have. It's all just for the love of the ride:thumbup:
I went on a nice long ride Sunday, with some of the WoW ladies. We stopped for lunch, and on the way back stopped at these nice cool caves at the quarry. It wasn't a terribly hot day, but it felt WONDERFUL standing in front of them.
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I had a fantastic time, and have met some great friends through the WoW group.
