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  • Hey Brian! Well, it's that time again, so I guess I should leave you this:

    Have a Very Happy Birthday!!
    Where did you get the blue Yamaha oil drip mat that is under your bike in your pictures?

    Happy Birthday Bryan!!! Have a great day.

    Happy Birthday mate.

    Hey Bryan. Sorry, I don't even remember the question. :) I guess it was how to keep side bags straight? I solved my problem two ways: first, I soldered up a rack out of copper tubing. Second, I took the side bags off and mostly use a tail bag now. :) I hope you see this msg, I'm not sure how this works. Take care and God bless, P.
    Hey Bryan,

    Been kind of under the radar so to speak. Need your advice/help on a FE kit for my '08. I would like to replace the stock turn signals as well. Any help would be great.

    Be safe.

    Thanks. But not it is not me. It is Darryl Cannon, aka: Killboy

    The picture was taken with his camera mounted upside down on the rear peg. He had a remote trigger system that would take a picture every second of the run down Deals Gap.

    k i l l b o y . c o m - Your High Quality Photos from*the Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap
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