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  • Hiya Jordan,

    I just saw this message! I've been working a lot lately and haven't spent much time on the forum.

    I have thought about getting an FZ1. It's good is it? I still have the same bike and haven't really done anything with it yet. It's due for the 18K service so I'll probably go with a 15T in the front and put the speedo healer on.

    Glad to hear your mate is OK. I never like to hear about anyone coming off.

    I'll let you know if we get together.

    Thanks for the note.

    Hi David

    How's it going, long time no speak/meet?

    Not sure if i told you i sold my FZ6N and upgraded to an FZ1N - AWESOME! Not all good though as sold it too a work mate and three weeks later a cager pulled out on him and a broken arm, wrist and finger later the bike was a write off. went to the scrap yard with scorpion cans, pazzo's belly pan, seat cowel, the lot. still he recovered so that's all that's really important.

    ping me if you and any of the guys are out for a ride, would be good to meet up with the Fz6 lot again

    Thanks for the rep David! Glad I can contribute. Either way, you still own a great bike! :D
    Just read about your redundancy. That's never pleasant to put it mildly; I've had it happen to me. Hope you get some good riding in and find employment soon!!
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