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Ghost Weim
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  • Happy Birthday Brenda :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: have a wonderful day , get spoilt rotten & enjoy yourself :thumbup:
    want to share this with my girlfriends....
    'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her... any crap, be ready to receive a ton of
    s h i t.
    I'm glad you ordered your helmet "ears!" I love mine! I had a cruiser guy ride up behind me like a bat outta hell, then slow down enough to give me a smile and a "thumbs up" as he tapped his helmet, then he was off in a flash again! Lots of people point out the ears to their kids, too. They are great fun!!
    I enjoyed chatting with you, too, and hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
    Just popped in to say " HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA " :cheer: :cheer: have a great day , hope you get spoilt rotten :thumbup:
    Hey Brenda & Jeff, rickvan67 has a ride set on Sunday, 11am at Hastings. Holiday Station, 13251 Hastings RD. Hope you can join us.
    Thanks for the b-day wishes, I have had a great day with the family. I was also spoilt with a lovely new phone.

    Hey Brenda....well lucky you! I was planning on driving to Denver today to test ride a BMW, but this is the 9th crappy weekend in a row! BOOHOO! Hope you have a great weekend. Look for me in the chat room!
    Happy Easter to you too B! The weather here stinks right now....it's snowing, we have about 2 inches of wet, heavy slush. But it is Colorado...it'll be gone by tomorrow!
    i know what you mean about wanting to get out more. everyday i look at the 10 day forecast only to be disappointed again. even if it's 40 and sunny, it's still way too windy to ride. :) hopefully within the next couple weeks it'll warm up to normal temps...hopefully.
    i hope you got out and rode before this last few weeks of great weather in WI.
    i got to take the bike out a few times when the weather was nice. It was an awesome rush :)
    Hey.. nice to see another fz rider in the area, like you already wishing spring was around the corner...I live 5 miles west of fennimore and it looks like it may be awhile before the rubber meets the road..creekbed (Mark)
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