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  • There is a digitized field service manual available. I think it was emailed to me by another member. I can try to send it later if you don't already have or get it by then.
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    I don’t understnad a part with „offset bits”. You suggest to grind out the difference with Dremel, instead of loosening halves? Honestly it’s hard to find a security torx (with hole) larger than T40, and T40 is too small for these frame bolts.
    What is interesting, previous race which was extracted by professionals wasn’t cracked or smth and that’s why I have good feeling in pushing new one in, but loosening halves is my best go to for now. Yes they have a limit on comments, maybe we can go for private messages?
    And Yes, I do have electrical torque meter, so I can measure peak torque while unscrewing, however it is not recommended to use torque wrench to unscrew bolts. If I dont find another way, I’ll go with it anyway
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