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  • Hi Bud

    I bought mine from a local dealer. £400 included fitting and as discussed they sound amazing. there are more expensive pipes available that also sound amazing but it ddepends upon your budget. Scorpion have a website and you can locate dealers from there. For the money they are awersome.


    Hi, I saw your post on the HID install. I purchased a 35W xenon kit from HIDS4U with a H7 and H4 bulb rated at 6000k. I am having a problem with the light emitted from the bulbs (see my post http://www.fz6-forum.com/forum/fz6-mods/14871-headlight-fault-after-modification-hid.html)

    What do your 6000K rated bulbs look like. Do any of emit the light I have shown in my post (either the blue or purplish light).

    HIDS4U have sent me 2 replacment H4 bulbs, but still the light that is emitted is purple.

    Any ideas

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