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France ATGATT shortly mandatory?


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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It looks like the French government is busy making glove wearing for motorcyclists mandatory. This is the beginning of a step by step plan to implement ATGATT:

Step 1 - Jackets/Vests for all PTWPowered Two Wheel - motorcyles, scooters, mopeds under 125cc (so essentially mopeds)
Step 2 - Dorsal and Lombard protection for PTW over 50cc (so back-body armor)
Step 3 - Jackets/Vests equipped with airbag for all PTW over 125cc
Step 4 - Boots or semi-boots protecting foot and ankle for all PTW over 125cc

I'm a firm believer of ATGATT (all the gear all the time), but it would be nice to see some kind of incentive, lets say tax free motorbike clothing (for locals):thumbup:

Here's the English story:

And here's the full French story
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It looks like the French government is busy making glove wearing for motorcyclists mandatory. This is the beginning of a step by step plan to implement ATGATT:

Step 1 - Jackets/Vests for all PTWPowered Two Wheel - motorcyles, scooters, mopeds under 125cc (so essentially mopeds)
Step 2 - Dorsal and Lombard protection for PTW over 50cc (so back-body armor)
Step 3 - Jackets/Vests equipped with airbag for all PTW over 125cc
Step 4 - Boots or semi-boots protecting foot and ankle for all PTW over 125cc

I'm a firm believer of ATGATT (all the gear all the time), but it would be nice to see some kind of incentive, lets say tax free motorbike clothing (for locals):thumbup:

Here's the English story:

And here's the full French story
C'est bon!

Big difference when the social system fix you up hey! The funny part is that I shouldn't be mandatory... everyone should wear some sort of protection no matter what they ride. I do! :rockon:
I agree with the minimal helmet gloves and at least shoes. Hate seeing flip flops!

Interesting data on scooter injuries because more motorcyclist wear gloves.
I'm all for gear being mandatory just like seat belts. It still turns my stomach when SQUIDS come into the ED fully adorned in road rash.
If you want to ride you have to take responsibility to maximize your safety.
Don't get me wrong I dislike the thought of Brussels telling me what I can and can't do. Sadly people have proven time and time again that they lack the capacity to make sensible decisions when riding/driving.

There's a line between requiring a minimal amount of gear and airbag-equipped vests. That line is one that should not be crossed.

However, I do feel that countries have a bit more leverage where healthcare is provided universally (noting the stats in the linked article).
Personally I don't care if it's mandatory to wear gear. If those idiots out there want to ride with flip flops, shorts, and a wife-beater (with $200 gloves and a $500 helmet...LOL), it just makes the rest of us look better.

I just find all of this quite ridiculous.

I am totally against gov't mandating its people what to wear etc.

Look, you can't stop the process of evolution by artificially mandating people ot wear safety gear.

If you are smart enough to understand the basic Newtonian physics you are allowed to procreate.

Why stop the stupid people from taking themselves out of the gene pool?
Re: ridiculous

More or less the same laws have been a fact in Belgium for over a year now.
They were implied the same time as the "lane splitting" so you gain some, you lose some.

I think nobody """should""" be told what to wear, but since it's been proven over and over again that if you leave them too many options there are too many retards on the road so i am for a bit of regulation.

I don't really care because i already lived by those rules before they were law :)
Re: ridiculous

Why stop the stupid people from taking themselves out of the gene pool?

They cost us money.

I don't know if wearing pants will make a difference in a situation where they "take themselves out of the gene pool", but it can make a difference between somebody losing a legg or not. And if you think "insurance" or "himself" are going to pay for all the costs that come with that, you know nothing about economics.
Re: ridiculous

They cost us money.

I don't know if wearing pants will make a difference in a situation where they "take themselves out of the gene pool", but it can make a difference between somebody losing a legg or not. And if you think "insurance" or "himself" are going to pay for all the costs that come with that, you know nothing about economics.

...and I guess you know nothing about facetious responses.

I am not going to give a speech about personal freedom vs what's best for everybody. Obviously France is not USA.

Bottom line is that you can't outlaw stupidity.

It's nice that you like to give me a lecture on economics, than how about you dwell on this.

How do you expect the police to enforce this law? Don't you think they have more important things to do than ride around town looking for motorcyclists not wearing jackets or special pants?

What if they are going to stop a guy because he is not wearing motorcycle specific pants, but he will claim that he is wearing motorcycle denim jeans lined with kevlar. If the police going to make him take off his pants to check whether it's truly lined with kevlar?

So what's more wasteful in terms of public funds, police officers wasting their time looking for motorcyclists breaking this law or the emergency response team that has to come to the scene of the accident anyways. Chances are that if the emergency response guys have to come, the pants or the jacket didn't really prevent the guy from being in a serious accident.

Now we have to discuss the cost benefit analysis of the guy losing his leg and what would be the marginal loss in his total productivity (in workforce) for the rest of his life span vs the cost of treating him in a hospital.

Bottom line is this law will not change much. I don't see how the police will enforce this law. It will be the same situation of the police enforcing the wearing of helmets for bicycle riders.
Personally I don't believe the gov't should be mandating anything... If your dumb enough to not wear safety equipment, cool, but don't ask for taxpayer assistance when your dumb ass lands in the ER... problem solved.

Again thats just my view and i'm a big believer in ATGATT but thats why we promote it in these forums, it's a personal choice, not something that should be mandated by people who have never ridden a motorcycle in their life.

Just my opinion of course ;)
Re: ridiculous

How do you expect the police to enforce this law?

Like i said, in Belgium, they already do... so i don't get this question.

If they see you riding with shorts, they put on their sirene, pull you aside and give you a fine. Just like they enforce any other trafic law...

I just want to make the point that these laws don't come into effect because the gov. loves us and what not. They just want to bring the number of accidents (and all the costs that come with it) down.
Re: ridiculous

Like i said, in Belgium, they already do... so i don't get this question.

If they see you riding with shorts, they put on their sirene, pull you aside and give you a fine. Just like they enforce any other trafic law...

I just want to make the point that these laws don't come into effect because the gov. loves us and what not. They just want to bring the number of accidents (and all the costs that come with it) down.

Just a thought, but i don't think wearing full gear reduces number of accidents ;)
Re: Re: ridiculous

I am not going to give a speech about personal freedom vs what's best for everybody. Obviously France is not USA.

I don't see how the police will enforce this law. It will be the same situation of the police enforcing the wearing of helmets for bicycle riders.

Many similar things were said about the seat belt laws when they were first introduced.
I believe that like all these new laws there will be a strong initial Policing policy enforced. Then common sense will prevail. If your riding in a safe manner you're going to be left alone. The stupid riders will still be stupid, because as you correctly state. "Stupid can't be fixed".
I would be mote concerned about the current lack of data demonstrating that in all cases the inflatable jacket is 100% safer. And insurance companies having another avenue in which to have claims denied. Mandatory gear wearing is worthwhile, but as stated the line needs to be clearly defined.
Neil ED nurse currently on nights, woken by tapatalk. Gentlemen and ladies, I thank you.

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