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R6 brake pads for 2004 FZ6N


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Dec 12, 2021
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Manila philippines
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Hello brothers,
is the brake pads from r6 or fz6 s2 will fit to my bike 2004 fz6n
And also im rebuilding my brake master, front and rear calipers, is there a rebuild kit from other bikes that will fit mine?

Parts here in the philippines is hard to come by, i cant find anywhere here seat lock cable and the whole seat
Thank you!IMG_20211214_235408.jpg
I would have to remove my pads to confirm the "look". Your bike being a 2004 used 2 piston calipers from the factory. You can confirm this by looking at the calipers; there will be two pistons on the outside (I can see them in the above photo) and a pad carrier on the inside (I can't see). The R6 and 2008+ FZ6 used 4 piston calipers, pistons on both sides.
I would have to remove my pads to confirm the "look". Your bike being a 2004 used 2 piston calipers from the factory. You can confirm this by looking at the calipers; there will be two pistons on the outside (I can see them in the above photo) and a pad carrier on the inside (I can't see). The R6 and 2008+ FZ6 used 4 piston calipers, pistons on both sides.
I'll check it later today, i just need to order some parts while im working on other parts of the bike, so that when i need to tackle the job i have all the parts i need
Thank you!