Scavenger Hunt for May

A water Tower, a fountain and Train, WTF??

I live in NYC, that's going to be hardd!

NYC you can get a train, I know they have subways that go above ground and above ground trains, and the fountain. Your probably gonna have to leave the city for the water tower
My first,- The water tower one:

Okay here's all the ones I have so far....

Mini Yamaha



Phone Booth

The sexiest water tower in the world :)

Just to show why I was so far away.... it's huge! Does that qualify as my huge thing? :)

Your pictures are awesome Daryl...I love the colour that comes out on your camera. Good job!
Anyone that has posted pictures so far, I just rep'ed you! Thanks for participating!

(except for Jamie, sorry I must spread the love first)
Well, I finally got out and got a couple of photo's.

Pic 1. Interesting scene in the mirror..
View attachment 16848

Pic 2. Telephone booth..
View attachment 16847

Pic 3. With another FZ6..
View attachment 16852

Pic 4. Bird in flight (extra point.. 2 birds flying?? In saying that, i think we'll be struggling to beat Mikey's effort;) )
View attachment 16849

Pic 5. Fountain..
View attachment 16850

Pic 6. Just to prove there is a fountain behind the tree..(If I can get onto
the bicycle track without the cops bugging me, I'll get a better photo)
View attachment 16851

Still gotta get more, watch this space.. ;)
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Here's mine....

1. Interesting scene.. The South Downs
View attachment 16888

2. Phone booth
View attachment 16883

3. Water tower (very few around in England and could not get a good pic through wheel :( )
View attachment 16884

4. Small toy hidden
View attachment 16885

5. Another fz6 (left to right Mine,Doorag,Naked J,Toolkit,Nelly,Cloggy hidden and Pedwards89)
View attachment 16886

6. Bird in flight (best one is above the handlebars :thumbup:)
View attachment 16887

7. Train
View attachment 16889

8. Fountain
View attachment 16890

9. Mail box
View attachment 16882

10. Something oversized (man carved into the South downs know as the Long Man of Wilmington)
View attachment 16872

11. To follow.........
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Nice pics Gary! I love that big thingy carved into the hill. Thats really cool! Thanks for posting up! Rep on its way.
Originally he was carved into the side of the downs and his outline was of chalk but it kept being washed away by the weather, so a few years back they placed concrete blocks down and painted them white. So all they have to do now is every few years give him another coat of paint.
K this is gonna sound lame but I cant finish the hunt because of the pollen count. LOL It stinks, I can't be outside for more than 10 mins. Looking forward to the june hunt though. You guys pictures are awesome though.